Archives for February 2010

"Statistics Never Lie, or Do They?"

There are some interesting outcomes emerging from a wash-up of the recent financial turmoil.

Australia has fared best among the Western countries, with its unemployment rate at only 5.3% and falling. But does this now mean you’ll start to see wage pressures emerging?
[Read more…]

Your Baby-Boomer Opportunity!

Whenever you go through a major structural change within society or the economy … opportunities will always emerge.

But you’ll find that Baby Boomers won’t be retiring — well, not in the conventional sense. Most will leave their long-time employment, to establish some type of small consultancy business.

In the past, many well-known firms simply evolved as a result of one generation following the next into the family business.

Traditional Family Business

Traditional Family Business

Invariably, sons (and even daughters) left school to join their parent’s firm. It was a handy way to ensure easy succession; and stood Australia in good stead throughout the 1900s. [Read more…]

“How Baby Boomers affect
your Commercial Property”

Last week, you hopefully gained a clearer understanding of the timing (and impact) Baby Boomers will have on Residential property, until around 2025.

Most people probably feel all this would have little or no impact on Commercial property.

And for some of you, that might be true. But I suspect there are many Boomers, where the effect could be quite devastating.

And here is the reason why [Read more…]

What about the Baby-Boomer Effect?

Yesterday, the Federal government released Australia’s third Inter-generational Report.

And about five years ago, I came out with a somewhat startling statement:

“If you haven’t sold your traditional family home by 2010-11 … you had better be prepared to hold it until 2025 — because there simply won’t be a market for it!”

Chatswood ... Sydney

Chatswood … Sydney

And given the recent surge in home sales (particularly in Sydney and Melbourne) over the past 6 months … you would be excused for thinking my prediction might be way off the mark. [Read more…]