6 Tips for Success with Commercial Property

YOU can certainly round out your portfolio and in hence your returns, by investing in Commercial property.

Commercial Property Success involves having a clear investment strategyHowever, it’s important to do your homework; plus, understand that the Commercial market differs from the residential property market.

And provided you undertake the necessary research, you’ll find there is great potential in owning Commercial property. [Read more…]

Your 8 Investment Objectives

Commercial Buildings

WITH THE Commercial property market now starting to gain some momentum, it might be worthwhile reviewing your current Investment Objectives — simply to ensure they align with your underlying investment strategy.

In formulating that strategy, you may choose to vary the specific order of importance for the following set of Objectives. [Read more…]

Are Offices “The Go”?

Just take a look around your capital city CBD. And tell me, how many cranes to currently see on the skyline?

Sydney Skyline

Sydney Skyline

In most cities, you could count them on one hand — as there is minimal speculative development occurring right now.
[Read more…]