Archives for May 2011

Building Your Team of
Trusted Expert Consultants

Building your Consulting TeamAS YOU know, Property Edge Australia is there to help you in identifying and negotiating the actual purchase of your next Commercial property.

However, you still require certain other key consultants, in order to make every deal really work for you.

And those consultants need to be thoroughly trustworthy.

As you can appreciate, I have had the opportunity to work with a quite number of consultants, over the past 40 years. And I’ve quietly put together a close team of those ones, who have really gone out of their way to look after my Clients’ best interests.

Over the next week or so, I will reveal to you who these Consultants actually are — in the vital areas of:

  • Covering the Legal Issues;
  • Financing the Deal; and
  • Claiming your Full Tax Benefits.

Anyway, let’s make a start on the first one today. [Read more…]

Top Commercial Property Investors
Always Have a Master Plan

You need a good Master Plan
When you’re just starting out, your main aim is probably just trying to secure a worthwhile property.

However, to be truly successful, you actually do need to have a Master Plan.

And to help you, here are 6 Steps towards formulating one for yourself. [Read more…]