Top Commercial Property Investors
Always Have a Master Plan

You need a good Master Plan
When you’re just starting out, your main aim is probably just trying to secure a worthwhile property.

However, to be truly successful, you actually do need to have a Master Plan.

And to help you, here are 6 Steps towards formulating one for yourself. [Read more…]

Why Do Some Investors Fail at
Commercial Real Estate Investing?


Reason #1: Lack of Research

Doing your homework will ensure Commercial property success Most investors fail to properly research the market and understand the relationship each sector (office, retail & industrial) has with the local economy, nearby competition and the marketplace itself.

Reason #2: Poor Analysis

Many investors fail to thoroughly analyze and research their chosen properties as far as the overall economics, calibre of the tenant and any related risks that may be involved.

Reason #3: Lack of Commitment

Investing in Commercial property requires a reasonable degree of hands-on involvement. Some investors make the mistake of believing they can be absentee landlords. You at least need to be involved at a strategic level.

Reason #4: Over Borrowing

Negative gearing is fine. But you still need to start with sufficient equity, to ensure that your investment is not over-leveraged. Always keep some funds aside for unforeseen issues that may arise.

Reason #5: Lack of Understanding

The ownership of Commercial property needs a basic understanding of things like … tenancy law, building construction, how to add value, recognising market trends and so on. All of these can be very easily addressed.

Reason #6: Price vs Value

Some beginners tend to believe a cheap price means good value and a sound investment. Instead, you need to look behind what is being presented to discover the true underlying value.

Reason #7: Over Estimating Your Skills

To be a really successful Commercial investor, you need to build up a trusted team around you — to provide valuable input in the areas of …

  • Analysis and due-diligence,
  • Negotiating the purchase,
  • Vetting the documentation,
  • Ongoing property management,
  • Determining the time to sell.

Reason #8: Lack of Diversity

After you’ve purchased your first property, you need to widen your perspective — both geographically, and across the various sectors of Commercial property. Never simply have all your eggs one basket.

Is the End of the World Near?

Black Swan Events
With Australia having weathered the global financial crisis, we are now having to cope with the potential after-effects of:

  • The European sovereign debt crisis;
  • The earthquake & tsunami in Japan, with the subsequent nuclear fallout;
  • The Libyan crisis; and locally …
  • Extensive flooding in Queensland and Victoria.

Given all of these so-called “Black Swan” events occurring so close together, certain pundits appear to be jumping to the wrong conclusions.

They are ignoring the fundamentals; and simply encouraging a knee-jerk reaction — driven more by sentiment and (supposedly) an attempt to avoid risk.

Right now, many investment decisions are being based upon incomplete, and often incorrect, information. And this is also being inflamed by sensational headlines in the media.

The Tragedies are Real

Without question, the human pain and suffering in these disasters is beyond a full comprehension — whether it be in Japan, NZ, Libya, Queensland or Victoria.

However, history would suggest the adverse economic effects will be comparatively small and temporary.

In all these circumstances, there may be some short-term decline. But the subsequent rebuilding efforts tend to provide an economic boost, well beyond what would have otherwise occurred.

You only have to look at the Victorian bushfire tragedy of several years ago. As truly devastating as that was … the Victorian economy now leads the rest of Australia in so many areas — both economically and in its relative population growth, compared with other states.

With Japan, its $200 billion rebuilding program will consume an enormous volume of steel — and therefore, create huge demand for Australian iron ore and coking coal. Not to mention, the design and construction opportunities for Australian firms.

Bottom Line: Just step back, and view the fundamentals clearly.

While China remains an important influence, the recent disasters in New Zealand and Japan will also actually impact very favourably upon the Australian economy AND the Commercial property market.

Your competitive advantage will be found in buying Commercial property … while others seem to be frozen to the spot.

Your 12 Buying Criteria

Reaching your Pot of Gold

THE FOLLOWING Buying Criteria are ranked in what most investors consider to be their relative importance.

Tenant Calibre & Lease Term

These two criteria alone could prove to be most important in achieving your Investment Objectives. What you’ll look for is a strong corporate (or government) tenant, with a minimum of a five-year lease term.

With that in place, you’re well on your way to making a successful investment. [Read more…]

Your 8 Investment Objectives

Commercial Buildings

WITH THE Commercial property market now starting to gain some momentum, it might be worthwhile reviewing your current Investment Objectives — simply to ensure they align with your underlying investment strategy.

In formulating that strategy, you may choose to vary the specific order of importance for the following set of Objectives. [Read more…]

Your Common Property Terms (N-Z)

HERE IS the final segment of your Common Property Terms. It contains definitions for most of the remaining aspects of property you’re likely to come across.

And as you can see, they cover from …

N to Z [Read more…]

Your Common Property Terms (D-M)

FOR EASY reference, I thought the simplest way would be to split these Common Property Terms up into three alphabetic sections.

And so, you can now sift through this next section from …

D to M [Read more…]

Your Common Property Terms (A-C)

AS YOU can appreciate, I quite regularly get asked to explain what the various property terminology actually means.

Therefore, I thought it might be worthwhile to provide you with your own point of reference, over the next couple of weeks.

And I’ll do that by giving you various definitions starting with those items ranging from “A to C”.

That way, you will be able to quickly find the answer — whenever you are unsure about any property jargon being thrown around, by people who may be simply trying to show off.

What you’ll find here are practical definitions, intended for the every-day Investor.

A to C [Read more…]

Are Offices “The Go”?

Just take a look around your capital city CBD. And tell me, how many cranes to currently see on the skyline?

Sydney Skyline

Sydney Skyline

In most cities, you could count them on one hand — as there is minimal speculative development occurring right now.
[Read more…]

Where to Invest … Right Now!

Last week, you are given a quick overview of the CBD Office scene around Australia. But one of the tightest spots at the moment is the south-eastern Office market in Melbourne.

A recent study by Jones Lang LaSalle revealed there is only 12,200 m2 of space currently under construction — mainly as a result of cautious financiers not being prepared to support speculative development.

As such, vacancies will fall significantly over the next year or so.
[Read more…]

“Doing Nothing Will Cost You!”

Whenever Investors are confused … the Property Market tends to do nothing and simply moves sideways.

Confusion Reigns

Confusion Reigns

You observed that when the GFC first struck.

People simply put their buying decisions ‘on hold’. And then, frantically played catch-up over the last 12 months … as soon as they realised things were still okay here in Australia.

Over that period, you have seen most Commercial markets around the country showing good growth — particularly in Melbourne.
[Read more…]