Mind Bender # 15 : Solution

The challenge in the last Mind Bender was to calculate the value of “X” in the following equation …

p=. Solving for "X"

This time, there were a number of people who came up with the correct answer: Ron Drewitz, Daniel Hayden, Dominic Gatling, John Murphy, Margaret, Elka Melman, Tracey Bryan, Matt, Geoff and Vince Psaradakis.

So, well done to you all.
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Mind Bender #15 : Solving for “X”

Solving for ?X?While this equation may initially look a little foreboding … it actually only requires a very basic knowledge of algebra.

However, it may prove to be a test of logic — to uncover what is a rather simple solution.

Mind Bender # 14 : Solution

Well, this Mind Bender stumped all but one person — Daniel Hayden. So, well done!

Remember … you had to balance 12 nails on top of a single nail, hammered into a block of wood.
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Mind Bender # 14 : Balancing Act

With the summer holidays and Easter being so close together this year … I decided to hold back on the Mind Benders till now.

nailpuzzle.jpgHere’s one I came across, which is a fantastic lateral thinking puzzle and a great team builder with your family or work colleagues.
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Mind Bender # 13 : Solution

Most people managed to get it right … well, nearly.

PencilA few of you thought it might be a pen — but the minute or two “recovery time” refers to a quick sharpening of a Pencil, after the fall. Whereas a pen (or Biro) may actually fail to work again.

Anyway, it was good to see so many respond this time. And I’ll have a new hands-on Bender in January — to get the whole family involved.

Mind Bender # 13 : Incredible Planning Tool?

Here’s the specification for probably the most incredibly sophisticated planning & communications tool yet invented …
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Mind Bender # 12: Solution

My apologies for not providing you with the solution before now. However, the past few weeks have been rather hectic.

You needed to sit back and think on this Mind Bender.

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Mind Bender # 12: Anyone for Tennis?

The way things are shaping up, there could be a record number competing in this year’s Australian Open — some 803 players in all.
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Mind Bender # 11: Solution

This time, there were a number of people able to “engineer” a 9-minute period for this Hourglass problem.

However, only a few of you managed to capture the spirit of finding the most elegant solution. Well done!

Start by turning both hourglasses over together.
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Mind Bender # 11 : Hour Glass Figures

Hour GlassYou have just discovered your watch has broken, and that you only have two Hour Glasses in the house …

> one to measure 4 minutes; and

> another to measure 7 minutes.

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Mind Bender # 10 : Solution

Last month only two people managed to come up with the correct solution, as well as the reason why. Therefore, I held back their postings until now.

The answer is that you should certainly take the odds of 30:1 on offer — because your chances of winning the wager are considerably better than that.

Anyway, for those of you still puzzling over the chances of two people having their birthday on the same day in the year, in a room of 23 unrelated people … here’s how you work it out.
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