Servicing Your Commercial Property Investment Deals

THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY in general (and the major banks in particular) have been under the microscope recently as a result of the Royal Commission. And that has provided a steady stream of negative headlines for the banks over the past 12 months.

As a result, the banks have instituted a number of changes including: [Read more…]

Do You Fully Understand Commercial Property Valuations?


WHEN PURCHASING A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY, the valuation is a key element in the financing process and in providing the buyer with comfort in their purchase price.

For the wise investor, it is important to have some understanding of how valuations are conducted.

Doing so will establish confidence that the valuation will not pose an issue with finance and also act as a basic tool, to verify a purchase price or estimate asset value for existing properties. [Read more…]

Limit The Security You Grant to Your Lender


IN MY LAST ARTICLE, you read about the various securities lenders can take over your property, in addition to mortgages.

This article will highlight various options for improving your security position when borrowing as a means of maximising your asset protection. [Read more…]

Control The Loan Process


THE OTHER DAY, I was doing some analysis on the loans lodged over the past year … looking at the time-frames, and where the delays have occurred.

And I was struck by the number of stages a loan application needs to go through, before settlement. Plus the number of people the file depends upon, to go smoothly.

The people involved in this process can include the broker, the bank officer, credit analyst, valuer, borrower’s solicitor, bank’s solicitor, vendor’s solicitor, accountant, financial adviser (if financial advice is required), real estate agent and, possibly, the tenant.

As you can appreciate, delays can occur at the hands of any of these stakeholders with dire consequences. That’s why it is advisable (as far as possible) for you to retain as much control over the process as you can … in order to avoid potential pitfalls. [Read more…]

Arranging Your Finance

Your Top 5 Tips ...

IT IS NO SURPRISE that banks are still rather coy about funding Developments, so maybe a few ideas on how to get your projects across the line could be helpful.

Here are the Top 5 Tips …

  1. Properly Assess Your Capital Requirements
    Do a thorough feasibility before proceeding with any project, to ensure you have sufficient funds to complete the project based on 80% funding of total costs. Make sure you factor into your calculations capitalised interest, for least 12 months.
  2. Lock In Enough Pre-Sales
    Make sure you are aware of the number of pre-sales you will require. And also properly research the market — so you are confident the properties in your development will sell off-the-plan. If your development is not suited to pre-sales, ensure that you are able to arrange finance without pre-sales (or with a lower pre-sale requirement through a non-bank) before proceeding. [Read more…]

The Anatomy of a Commercial Property Deal

SO LET’S GO right back to basics … and just break down a Commercial property investment into its fundamental components.

You see, very few investors seem to spend enough time to fully understand what’s involved.

>>>>>Your Investment = Equity + Debt + Ideas + Time

And you may care to explore each of these aspects in a little more detail. [Read more…]

Commercial Property Investing: How to Uncover a Good Deal

Discovering a Good DealIT’S TRUE … every deal will always be different. But that does not mean you can’t use a series of simple measures, to help you sift the “wheat from the chaff”!

Only then, are those properties entitled to make it through to the next stage of detailed analysis.

How to Quickly Shortlist Your Properties [Read more…]

Do Banks Use a Formula When Lending on Commercial Property?

Getting the Money you need for your Loan

BANKS have a variety of ways of analysing a Commercial property; but there are a few guidelines they all tend to use.

For them, the most important number is the property’s Net Operating Income — which is basically rental minus expenses. As simple as that may seem, the calculation can vary dramatically from lender to lender.

Calculating the Net Operating Income is fairly straightforward. [Read more…]

The 9 Benefits You Can Gain …
From Investing in Commercial Property

There are numerous Benefits of owning Commercial property
One of the main attractions of investing in Commercial Property is its security.

Unlike residential property … Commercial Property is generally still there performing for you, if the economy does slow down.

However, when the economy is strong, Commercial Property grows in value and provides you with a steady income.

Anyway, for those of you starting out … here’s a list of the benefits you’ll enjoy from successful Commercial property investing. [Read more…]