How to Select the Best Commercial Property for Your Specific Needs

Commercial property investment and investing

IT DOES NOT MATTER whether you’re an investor or an owner-occupier, there are several important factors to consider when purchasing a commercial property – to ensure you make the right choice.

In a previous article, I shared a handy App to assist you in shortlisting potential properties. If you haven’t already downloaded it, simply click on the HiReturn Filter over on the right to install it on your tablet or mobile device. [Read more…]

Choosing Your “Dream Team” for Commercial Property Investing

SO, YOU HAVE decided to take the plunge into Commercial property investing. Smart move! But where do you start? 

Well, as every serious investor will tell you, having a team of trusted experts by your side is essential for success. These are the people who will guide you and help you navigate the complex world of property investment. 

And lucky for you, you get to pick your own dream team. Here are the key players you’ll need. [Read more…]

Medical Centres – Depreciation Case Study 

THESE PAST FEW years have been challenging for the healthcare industry and medical centres in particular.

Issues with staffing, COVID-19, and larger than normal patient numbers have resulted in rapid growth within the industry.

In 2021 over 1.8 million people were employed in the health care and social assistance industry, which is projected to increase to more than 2 million by 2025.  [Read more…]

Your Due Diligence on Commercial Property

THE QUESTION OF Due Diligence is an interesting one. 

There are two schools of thought. Some people believe they should undertake all the due diligence investigations BEFORE actually making an offer and finalising the commercial terms of the deal.

There are a couple of issues here – number one is: Due diligence, done properly, costs money. Therefore, my approach has always been not to spend money until you have control of the property. [Read more…]

The Importance of Due Diligence When Buying Commercial Property

FIRSTLY, LET’S DEFINE what Due Diligence really means. And then, you need to understand when you should actually consider an in-depth Due Diligence study. [Read more…]

Buying Off The Plan: Developer and Sales Team Communication


WHEN INVESTORS or owner occupiers purchase off the plan, they can often feel left in the dark throughout the construction process.

Clearly, it is important to keep your buyers informed, updated and as happy as possible… because the reputation of the Builder and Developer is what people remember.

At the same time, the project team can (and should) assist in providing some of the communication. [Read more…]

The Importance of Having As-Built Drawings for your Commercial Properties


WHENEVER YOU EMBARK on any form of construction work in an existing building, you’re first request from the Design Team should be for As-Built Drawings — for review, and to form the basis of the design process.

More importantly, the availability and compilation of As-Built documents (after a project is complete) should form part of your due diligence process at the completion of project.

Because, this provides the full scope of work undertaken, and allows for easy assessment of existing buildings — to help eliminate any surprises that may arise down the track, during future alterations. [Read more…]

Different Ways For You To Add More Levels


WITH VACANT LAND becoming more and more scarce within close proximity to Australia’s major city centres, it has become increasingly necessary to develop or extend existing properties.

However, as a Commercial property owner, how should you to tackle this dilemma? [Read more…]

How to Find the Right Builder


LIKE ALL THINGS, there is a “right” approach and there is a “wrong” approach to finding the perfect builder for your project.

Some developers, investors and building owners fall into the tempting trap of trying to cut costs — by bringing in builders who offer to work for much less, but who may not have the experience needed for that particular project.

These people hope that by reducing initial costs, they can boost their overall profits. Unfortunately this tends to backfire on them, more often than not. [Read more…]

Detect Hazardous Materials BEFORE Demolishing Begins


HAZARDOUS MATERIALS are found in a range of locations, forms and types of building structures; plus they are not just limited to Commercial projects. Unfortunately, they are widely spread through residential and public properties as well.

The identification process is the first step for anyone wishing to undertake alterations, demolition or disturbance of materials — which could be potentially harmful to workers, or the general public. And then, you need to quantify the cost of rectification; and what effect that will have upon your intended project.

3 Key Questions to ask … [Read more…]

Due Diligence: 5 Key Issues to Verify + Questions to Ask!

WHENEVER YOU embark upon a physical Due Diligence for any Commercial property, there are five key issues on which you should focus. And all of them need to be fully explored.

Depending on the size and type of the building, you may well require a more-detailed analysis. But for the time being, this will provide you with a basic checklist. [Read more…]