7 Handy Tips to Use During Your Next Negotiation

Handy negotiating tips

WITH EVERY NEGOTIATION, you always need to be thinking on your feet. And here are several simple Tips to help you do just that. [Read more…]

5 Handy Negotiating Tips When Looking to Buy Commercial Property

IT ALWAYS AMAZES me how little importance investors place upon the skills required to put a great property deal together.

They will spend loads of time researching the market and arranging finance. But will too often get emotionally involved, and want to conclude each Negotiation as soon as possible. [Read more…]

Your Key Steps When Packaging a Deal?

IT’S ALWAYS INTERESTING to discover some Commercial property investors still feel contracts there’s a need to include a “subject to finance” clause – so they can check whether or not funds will be available. 

However, they are in fact approaching things from the wrong angle. You see, you don’t need your finance approved before entering into a deal. [Read more…]

Negotiating: The Top 10 Items on Your Checklist

AS YOU WILL APPRECIATE, Negotiating is a learned skill – it’s not something you’re simply born with. However, it doesn’t matter how good you become, you always need to enter EVERY negotiation – using a Checklist, which has stood the test of time.

To help you … here’s the Checklist I personally use for each encounter. [Read more…]

7 Handy Tips You Can Use in Your Next Negotiation

IN ANY NEGOTIATION there will always be times when you need to think on your feet. To help you, here are a few tips you might care to add to your Toolbox.

Tip # 1: Treat Negotiating as a Process

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How Do You Find Top Commercial Property Deals?

Being creative will deliver you Top Commercial property dealsMOST INVESTORS believe keeping an eye on the daily media will provide you with the best opportunities.

Others will mainly focus upon distressed sales like “Mortgagees’ Auctions”.

However, by doing that, you are effectively pitting yourself against considerable competition.

And while the property itself may be First-class … you are unlikely to end up with a “top deal”. [Read more…]

​Being Creative Transforms Commercial Property Deals

Creativity brings massive rewards, at virtually no cost.PRICES may be rather attractive at the moment, but the days of quick-and-easy financing are over.

Furthermore, the tight credit market is making it tough for some investors to secure loans.

Nonetheless, with a little creativity and preparation, you can often bring otherwise-doubtful funding options within your reach. [Read more…]

Commercial Property Negotiating: The Framework for a Great Deal (Part 3)

You need to keep asking Questions, right until the end.OVER THE past couple of weeks, you’ve quietly worked your way through the first 14 questions … as part of your prep-work for each Negotiation.

And today, you’ll be covering the final 6 key questions — to help ensure your success. [Read more…]

Commercial Property Negotiating: The Framework for a Great Deal (Part 2)

More questions you need to ask along the wayLAST WEEK, we made a good start by scoping the first 8 questions you need to keep asking yourself … as part of your prep work for each Negotiation.

So let’s pick up from where we left off — here your next 6 questions. And you’ll recall that before (and during) your negotiations, you need to be asking: ARE YOU … [Read more…]

Commercial Property Negotiating: The Framework for a Great Deal

Asking these Key Questions will help you succeed as a Negotiator.EVERY NEGOTIATION can be very easily broken down into its component parts … once you understand what is really going on.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be posing 20 questions — which (when taken together) are intended to help you fully grasp everything involved. [Read more…]

How 7 Key Negotiating Tactics Helped Me Win at The Table

THE OTHER DAY, I covered 5 Mistakes that you need to avoid. Below, you’ll now find 7 Winning Tactics you should look to employ.
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