5 Ways to Maximise Your Borrowing Capacity

Foreign Resident CGT Withholding Regime

Commercial Property: State of The Nation


OFFICE VACANCY RATES have lept towards 15% in Brisbane, Darwin, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth. And this takes the national average to 12.4%, as an overall vacancy level.

However, businesses are now leasing space once again in both Sydney and Melbourne — where their vacancy rates are currently hovering around 10%, according to Jones Lang LaSalle. [Read more…]

Your Age and The Full Passage of Time


I’M IN MY 40s … and well behind where I want or need to be. My career has stalled and the marriage is shaky because we’re constantly arguing about money. This is probably because my partner never returned to serious paid work after we had the children.

We’re far from making any dents in the mortgage. In fact, it’s actually rising slightly each year, what with the kids’ secondary education to pay for on top of all the other demands on our single income. [Read more…]