Navigating the Commercial Property Cycle: Roadmap for Savvy Investors

FOR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY investors, understanding the Property Cycle is like having a treasure map – it can guide you in making critical decisions about whether to buy, build or sell. 

But what exactly does this Cycle entail? Let’s dive into the four distinct phases, each containing unique opportunities and challenges. [Read more…]

Unlocking the Power of Depreciation: 4 Common Myths Holding You Back 

WHEN IT COMES TO MAXIMISING your property’s income, depreciation is a powerful tool that is often overlooked.

As a Commercial Investor, you have a unique advantage over those investing solely in residential properties.

Let’s debunk some of the misconceptions surrounding depreciation – to help you take full advantage of this tax benefit. [Read more…]

The Top 5 Tips for Commercial Property Investors

WHEN YOU EMBARK on your journey as a property investor, it can be rather overwhelming – with a flood of information and diverse opinions.

To help simplify the process, here are five essential tips for new (and seasoned) investors. [Read more…]

7 Ways AI Will Impact Commercial Property Investing

AI IS POISED TO HAVE a significant impact on Commercial property investing by revolutionising various aspects of the industry. 

Here are 7 ways in which AI is expected to affect commercial property investing: [Read more…]

Sustainability in Commercial Buildings

“SUSTAINABILITY” IS NO LONGER a buzzword, but a vital element of any responsible business practice. 

In this article, we’ll discuss how businesses and owners of commercial buildings can improve their sustainability and use depreciation deductions to help recoup costs.  [Read more…]

Commercial Property and the Likely Impact of the Budget

CONCERN OVER HIGH INFLATION is what is causing the RBA to continue raising interest rates.

So the real question is … will the latest Budget be responsible for adding to inflationary pressures?

Anyway, let’s quickly pick apart the critical issues of the latest Budget – as far as they relate to Commercial property. [Read more…]

Do You Have a Checklist for Your Commercial Property Purchases?

HERE ARE 8 key items which should be on every Commercial property investor’s Checklist.

1. What is the Best Structure?

Between signing the contract and the settlement date, you should always decide precisely what your future intentions are.

Because this will determine the most appropriate vehicle for ongoing ownership.

Is it best to be held in personal names, joint names, a trust or a company?  [Read more…]

Your Due Diligence on Commercial Property

THE QUESTION OF Due Diligence is an interesting one. 

There are two schools of thought. Some people believe they should undertake all the due diligence investigations BEFORE actually making an offer and finalising the commercial terms of the deal.

There are a couple of issues here – number one is: Due diligence, done properly, costs money. Therefore, my approach has always been not to spend money until you have control of the property. [Read more…]

Depreciation Tips for Commercial Property

UNDERSTANDING COMMERCIAL DEPRECIATION can sometimes be difficult, but luckily you are able to get some expert advice right here from the BMT team. 

And the good news is … you don’t need to know everything. That’s why you engage a specialist – to help you claim the maximum deductions. [Read more…]

How Important is it to Have An Investment Strategy?

AS IT IS WITH ANY INVESTMENT you make – be it shares, property or collectables … you need to know where you are heading. Plus, also ensure you have a solid foundation upon which to base all your decisions.

So, clearly, the answer to this question is: “Very important!” And probably more so, when you’re considering a commercial property. [Read more…]

Will People Return to the Office Anytime Soon?

IT’S OVER 18 MONTHS now since the pandemic triggered a total disruption to our everyday office routines – causing millions of people to work from home.

As we move into the second year – many established companies are still undecided on the new workplace model going forward. [Read more…]