IT MAY SURPRISE YOU to learn that new businesses grew at a record rate during the last financial year. And that’s because COVID-19 served up a whole host of new opportunities among the economic turmoil.
Apparently, there were 365,500 new start-ups along with 277,700 established businesses closing shop – delivering a net gain of 87,800 new businesses.
As encouraging as that may sound, these newcomers will face challenges going forward – given they began in a climate of low interest rates and government support.
Nonetheless, they will clearly add to the demand for suburban office space – as workers seek to avoid the grind of a long daily commute.
Add to that the large CBD firms currently decanting whole departments out to the suburbs – to also be closer to where their employees live.
Bottom Line: Every change (however disruptive) brings with it seeds of opportunity. Sometimes these are hard to recognise – but highly profitable, for those who do.
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