4 Steps to Finding Your Ideal Commercial Finance Facility

IN MY EXPERIENCE, most seasoned property investors seem to have a good idea of how to structure a home loan and what to look for.

However, the complexities of commercial property and the wide array of commercial loan products mean it can be a little more difficult for commercial investors. [Read more…]

Common Tax Deductions for Commercial Strata-title Owners

AN ESSENTIAL PART of ensuring commercial property owners claim the maximum depreciation for their property is taking advantage of any common property deductions which may apply.

Owners of all types of commercial property owners are entitled to claim deductions for the wear and tear that occurs to the building and its fixtures. [Read more…]

WARNING: Your Land Tax Objections for 2017

THIS IS A REMINDER to Review your Assessments and Object before the 60-Day Deadline expires very soon.

As you may well be aware, the State Revenue Office is currently issuing 2017 Land Tax assessments for Victorian landholdings owned as at midnight on 31 December 2016. [Read more…]

6 Tips for Commercial Property Owners in 2017

AS WE ENTER February, many investors are now implementing their annual New Year’s resolutions.

Commercial property owners often think about the ways they can reduce the costs of owning their property and running their business. However, when they do so, the deductions they can claim via depreciation are not always top of their list. [Read more…]

Why are Young Couples Flocking to Commercial Property?


IN HIS BOOK Rich Dad Poor Dad, Richard Kiyosaki tells us: “You must know the difference between an asset and liability, and buy assets.”

Because “assets put money in your pocket.” Whereas, liabilities continually take money out of your pocket.

On that basis, you quickly realise your family home is therefore considered a liability — rather than an asset, or an investment. [Read more…]

Using Your Self-Managed Super Fund for Investment Without SMSF Borrowing

SINCE THE Superannuation Industry Supervision Act was amended in 2007 to allow superannuation funds to borrow against property, Self-Managed Super Funds have become a popular vehicle for investing in property — in particular, for self-employed borrowers or those in transition to retirement phase.

However, the loan products associated with this type of lending can be onerous and restrictive and this makes this form of lending far from preferable for many borrowers. [Read more…]

Kick-start Your Business by Claiming Depreciation


MOST PROPERTY investors also run their own business. And as such, you realise there are significant costs involved in starting any new venture.

There are expenses for equipment, stock, insurance, staff overheads and (if you don’t own the building) funds required to cover rent.

Whether you own or rent the building, there may also be costs involved in fitting out the new space to make it appropriate to open the doors for business. [Read more…]

How Will Trump’s Win Affect Commercial Property?

Trump and Commercial Property

WHILE THE WORLD may be stunned by Donald Trump’s win, you’ll most likely find things will not be nearly as bad as everyone thinks.

And that’s reflected in the huge rebound in the stock market — once investors began studying his policies in more depth.

How did Trump achieve the Win?

In many respects, the media is responsible for the outcome — because so much airplay was given to his outlandish rhetoric. [Read more…]

Depreciation Benefits Fill a Pharmacist’s Prescription


IT’S EASY FOR business people, like pharmacists, to get so caught up in their day-to-day schedule … that they don’t stop to think about what tax deductions they could be claiming. [Read more…]

How Solar Panel Initiative Helps Commercial Landlords

5 Ways to Maximise Your Borrowing Capacity