More About Consent for Lease Assignments


IN PART1, we considered assignment in the context of where the lease prohibits assignment absolutely or where the tenant cannot assign without the landlord’s consent (to be withheld in its absolute discretion).

This article considers assignment when the landlord cannot unreasonably withhold its consent. [Read more…]

Landlord’s Consent for a Lease Assignment


AS A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY landlord you have certain rights.

However, your ability to refuse consent to a lease assignment will depend on several factors.

[Read more…]

Buying Off The Plan: Developer and Sales Team Communication


WHEN INVESTORS or owner occupiers purchase off the plan, they can often feel left in the dark throughout the construction process.

Clearly, it is important to keep your buyers informed, updated and as happy as possible… because the reputation of the Builder and Developer is what people remember.

At the same time, the project team can (and should) assist in providing some of the communication. [Read more…]

UPDATE: Immediate Write-off and Small Business Pooling


GREAT NEWS: The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has made further changes to the rulings surrounding immediate write-off and pooling of small business assets.

If you’re a small business owner (and/or Commercial property investor) … read on to find out how these changes affect you. [Read more…]

Is This Good or Bad Debt?


CAPITAL GROWTH and the type of gearing heavily impact the overall profitability of your property purchases. And so this article will explain how they can significantly affect your bottom line. [Read more…]

The Importance of Having As-Built Drawings for your Commercial Properties


WHENEVER YOU EMBARK on any form of construction work in an existing building, you’re first request from the Design Team should be for As-Built Drawings — for review, and to form the basis of the design process.

More importantly, the availability and compilation of As-Built documents (after a project is complete) should form part of your due diligence process at the completion of project.

Because, this provides the full scope of work undertaken, and allows for easy assessment of existing buildings — to help eliminate any surprises that may arise down the track, during future alterations. [Read more…]

How to Improve Your Return From Industrial Property


DID YOU KNOW that you can claim quite significant depreciation deductions for an Industrial property? Because, legislation set down by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) allows the owners of any income producing property to claim depreciation. [Read more…]

With Property … How to Stay Cool When Things Get Hot


A RECENT CASE in the Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) has brought the laws governing cooling-off periods into sharp focus. And the ability of vendors to retain termination fees where contracts are terminated was challenged.

While the laws relating to cooling off periods differ in each state, this article will discuss the general principles of cooling off periods … and what you need to be aware of when seeking to exercise your rights. [Read more…]

Limit The Security You Grant to Your Lender


IN MY LAST ARTICLE, you read about the various securities lenders can take over your property, in addition to mortgages.

This article will highlight various options for improving your security position when borrowing as a means of maximising your asset protection. [Read more…]

Different Ways For You To Add More Levels


WITH VACANT LAND becoming more and more scarce within close proximity to Australia’s major city centres, it has become increasingly necessary to develop or extend existing properties.

However, as a Commercial property owner, how should you to tackle this dilemma? [Read more…]

Know Your Depreciation BEFORE You Purchase


BEFORE YOU PURCHASE a Commercial investment property, make sure you crunch the numbers. If you appropriately claim property depreciation, you can significantly increase the return on your investment.

What Deductions Can You Make?

More often than not, investors fail to realise the financial benefit of claiming depreciation prior to making their purchase. [Read more…]