What are commercial plant and equipment depreciation deductions?

WHEN YOUR SPECIALIST QUANTITY SURVEYOR tells you that you can claim depreciation on almost anything, they mean it. [Read more…]

Do You Really Understand The Fundamentals of Commercial Depreciation?

AS YOU’RE PROBABLY aware, BMT Tax Depreciation has been providing depreciation services to commercial owners and tenants for over 20 years.

During this time, their team has ensured these businesses maximise these returns by claiming millions in tax deductions.

Despite being the only non-cash deduction you have available, many investors are not making the most of the opportunity – or in some cases, not even claiming it at all. [Read more…]

Maximise The Cash from Your Rural Property


MANY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INVESTORS may also own a rural property. And yet, are often unaware of the full extent of depreciation benefits that they can gain. [Read more…]