Choosing Your “Dream Team” for Commercial Property Investing

SO, YOU HAVE decided to take the plunge into Commercial property investing. Smart move! But where do you start? 

Well, as every serious investor will tell you, having a team of trusted experts by your side is essential for success. These are the people who will guide you and help you navigate the complex world of property investment. 

And lucky for you, you get to pick your own dream team. Here are the key players you’ll need. [Read more…]

Do You Have a Checklist for Your Commercial Property Purchases?

HERE ARE 8 key items which should be on every Commercial property investor’s Checklist.

1. What is the Best Structure?

Between signing the contract and the settlement date, you should always decide precisely what your future intentions are.

Because this will determine the most appropriate vehicle for ongoing ownership.

Is it best to be held in personal names, joint names, a trust or a company?  [Read more…]

Commercial Property Going Forward in 2023

WITH A CLEARER OUTLOOK for interest rates, Commercial property is expected to bounce back in 2023. Particularly, with several pundits suggesting the RBA could well start to ease rates again later this year.

Understanding the facts

There will be some investors, who may initially take a cautious approach. [Read more…]

What are commercial plant and equipment depreciation deductions?

WHEN YOUR SPECIALIST QUANTITY SURVEYOR tells you that you can claim depreciation on almost anything, they mean it. [Read more…]

When Buying … Why Would You Accept a Passing Yield Lower Than Market Level?

ON THE FACE OF IT … there’s no logical reason why you would.

Unless of course, you were intending to occupy the property when the current lease expires. In which case, the initial low rental is really of little (or no) importance to you. [Read more…]

Looking at Commercial Property Post-COVID

CLEARLY, THE WINNER throughout 2020 has been warehousing and logistics – due to the massive surgeon online shopping, during the pandemic. And hopefully, that will eventually flow on to bricks-and-mortar retailing.

The other impact of online shopping has been the increased demand for cloud computing and information storage. And in turn, this has seen growth in demand for data centres. [Read more…]

Why Choose Commercial Property Over Residential?


OBVIOUSLY, THIS IS the question every residential investor asks … whenever they are considering the transition across to Commercial property.

However, you will quickly discover the reasons are rather compelling. [Read more…]

Commercial Property Central


AS A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INVESTOR, you don’t really want to be hunting all over the place — trying to find the key information you need, to help guarantee your success.

Many of you may be aware that I actually have 8 separate websites — each one covering a different aspect of Commercial property investing.

And therein lies the problem. [Read more…]

What Can You Do When Your Tenant Leaves?



THE FIRST THING you need to do is come up with some creative ways to address this … AND still maintain your sanity, at the same time.

But no matter what your approach may be, there are several things you always need to do. [Read more…]

7 Ways to Add Value, Fast

Upgrading your property
COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES are mainly seen as a longer-term (at least 3-year) investment. And you tend to buy them for their regular, high yields; as well as for some good capital growth over time.

Even so, an investor with a little knowledge and experience can easily find properties able to be “upgraded” and then, on-sold for a quick gain.

Typically, this would involve you in improving the income stream from your property; and perhaps the security of that income. Both of which would result in a boost to the property’s overall appeal AND value.

Your Options for a Fast Turnaround [Read more…]

Getting All The Adjustments Correct at Settlement


IN THE CONVEYANCING stage, before settlement, the vendor and purchaser adjust the purchase price to deal with the following matters:

  • Periodic payments of all statutory outgoings (such items as council rates, water rates and land tax); plus …
  • Rent and outgoings payable by a tenant under a lease. [Read more…]