Unlocking the Power of Depreciation: 4 Common Myths Holding You Back 

WHEN IT COMES TO MAXIMISING your property’s income, depreciation is a powerful tool that is often overlooked.

As a Commercial Investor, you have a unique advantage over those investing solely in residential properties.

Let’s debunk some of the misconceptions surrounding depreciation – to help you take full advantage of this tax benefit. [Read more…]

The Top 5 Tips for Commercial Property Investors

WHEN YOU EMBARK on your journey as a property investor, it can be rather overwhelming – with a flood of information and diverse opinions.

To help simplify the process, here are five essential tips for new (and seasoned) investors. [Read more…]

Empty Industrial Properties Can Still Provide You With Depreciation Deductions 

INDUSTRIAL ESTATES are often strong investments due to their versatility and spaciousness, making them ideal for accommodating diverse industries and businesses.

Not only are industrial properties good investments, but they also generate significant depreciation deductions.

Even seemingly ‘empty’ properties hold valuable deductions – which is why this article delves into industrial estates and highlights some hidden deductions.    [Read more…]

New Government Incentives Introduced for Businesses

AS THE COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE is constantly changing, it’s essential for businesses to remain up-to-date with the latest policy developments that may impact their financial strategies.

On 30 June 2030, temporary full expensing ended. Consequently, the Small Business Energy Incentive was introduced and the Instant Asset Write-Off was temporarily extended to a lower level.  

This article provides you with some insights into their implications for your business.   [Read more…]

Depreciation Deductions for a Restaurant 

Success varies between restaurateurs, yet most would agree that delicious food, a pleasant ambience, and friendly staff are key. But a healthy stream of cash flow is more important than anything. 

One way restaurateurs can improve their cash flow is by taking advantage of depreciation deductions. 

Here, we will explain what depreciation deductions are and what they look like in a busy Melbourne restaurant.  [Read more…]

Depreciation Deductions for Retail Owners and Tenants

THE AUSTRALIAN RETAILERS Association (ARA) reported fifteen consecutive months of growth within the retail trade as of November 2022. 

According to ARA CEO Paul Zahra: “November’s results remain strong when compared to the same period in 2021. The result is particularly strong considering the cost-of-living squeeze being felt by households across the board”.

A slowdown of spending in 2023 is expected as a result of inflation and rising costs of business. [Read more…]

Boosting Your Commercial Investment Cash Flow?

RENOVATING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY has many drawcards such as increasing value and functionality, plus attracting new tenants.

However, commercial property owners and tenants can literally be throwing away cash when they are renovating. [Read more…]

5 Tips to Maximise Your Tax Benefits With Commercial Property

TAX TIME FOR COMMERCIAL property investors can often be complex with many factors to consider, including property depreciation. 

To help you get the most out of your commercial property, here are 5 tax tips on depreciation from BMT Tax Depreciation. [Read more…]

Medical Centres – Depreciation Case Study 

THESE PAST FEW years have been challenging for the healthcare industry and medical centres in particular.

Issues with staffing, COVID-19, and larger than normal patient numbers have resulted in rapid growth within the industry.

In 2021 over 1.8 million people were employed in the health care and social assistance industry, which is projected to increase to more than 2 million by 2025.  [Read more…]

Depreciation Tips for Commercial Property

UNDERSTANDING COMMERCIAL DEPRECIATION can sometimes be difficult, but luckily you are able to get some expert advice right here from the BMT team. 

And the good news is … you don’t need to know everything. That’s why you engage a specialist – to help you claim the maximum deductions. [Read more…]

For Your Business: Is it Better to Rent or Buy?

CHOOSING WHETHER TO buy or to rent a Commercial property can often be a difficult decision. When you buy commercial property, you’re purchasing it with cash or loan proceeds. And when you have paid off the loan, you own the property outright. [Read more…]