Unlocking the Power of Depreciation: 4 Common Myths Holding You Back 

WHEN IT COMES TO MAXIMISING your property’s income, depreciation is a powerful tool that is often overlooked.

As a Commercial Investor, you have a unique advantage over those investing solely in residential properties.

Let’s debunk some of the misconceptions surrounding depreciation – to help you take full advantage of this tax benefit. [Read more…]

Top Property Managers Deliver You 7 Standout Benefits

Good Property Management is the Key to Your SuccessYOU’RE EXCITED … having just purchased a Commercial property investment. But what happens from here on, effectively determines just how profitable your acquisition will be.

Therefore, choose wisely when selecting your property managers — to ensure they share the same aspirations as you do. [Read more…]

Buying Commercial Property … By Numbers

Choosing Commercial PropertyAS YOU WILL quickly discover, finding suitable Commercial property investments comes down to a numbers game. And interestingly, many people consider these current times to be a buyers’ market.

However, as a serious investor, you will have found it difficult to identify many really top-notch properties right now. And at the moment, this is probably your #1 concern. [Read more…]

8 Things to Consider, When Buying a Commercial Property Investment

When Buying Commercial Property ...LEAVING aside things like projected cash flows, depreciation and taxation issues for moment … let’s look at some of the key factors that determine whether or not the property itself will stack up.

What follows is basically a checklist of the various aspects to investigate, when you start looking to purchase a Commercial investment property.

And, while this is not intended to be an exhaustive list, it should give you some insight into the depth of analysis you’ll need to undertake … as part of your due diligence process. [Read more…]

Is It Wise To Borrow When You Buy Commercial Property?

Prudent Borrowing can accelerate your return

There is no doubt, you can certainly accelerate your overall return from Commercial property, by gearing up with a loan.

Even so, you should FIRST make sure that you can say “Yes” to each of the following questions. [Read more…]

12 Fundamentals You Need to Follow … When Buying Commercial Property

There are 12 Rules you need to follow to successAS YOU WILL appreciate, being able to sleep at night is one of the key objectives for any Commercial property investor.

And that’s what many property investors refer to as staying below your “Threshold of Insomnia”.

There can be several things that might cause you to lose sleep. One is over-borrowing; and the others are making a poor assessment of the market and the property itself. [Read more…]

What Makes You a Successful Commercial Property Investor?

 You need to determine your underlying Investment PrinciplesWHEN IT COMES to Commercial property investing, have you ever actually sat down and analysed your principal aims?

And have you then matched them against the properties you already own — or those you may now be considering?

Basically, you’ll find most people purchase Commercial property for one (or more) of four reasons. [Read more…]

Trusted Consultants ~ Part 4
Validating Your Purchase

MY ADVICE to clients is to always accept whatever the vendor is telling you about his or her property, as being “true”.

Then simply “reserve your right” within the Contract, to validate all the wonderful things you’ve been told about the Commercial property you’re about to purchase.

You see, most vendors believe their property to be perfect. And will therefore raise little objection to the final contract giving you a Due Diligence period … to confirm the overall status of the property.

[Read more…]

Tried-and-True Ideas to Profit from Commercial Real Estate Investing

KEEP IN mind that Commercial property investing is all about the deal, the terms and the return on investment.

Below are a few key tips intended to give you a hand with your property investing. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: 5 Key Decisions To Help Guarantee Your Investment Success

 You need to make certain Decisions to Succeed with Commercial property
Investing in Commercial property is not “rocket science”.

Nonetheless, there are certain key steps you do need to follow. And those involve you in making a number of simple (yet vital) decisions.

DECISION #1: Your Goals for the long and short term?
In other words, are you seeking Income on Capital growth — or both? Maybe you are after some good Tax savings — through negative gearing or Depreciation? [Read more…]

Building Your Team of
Trusted Expert Consultants

Building your Consulting TeamAS YOU know, Property Edge Australia is there to help you in identifying and negotiating the actual purchase of your next Commercial property.

However, you still require certain other key consultants, in order to make every deal really work for you.

And those consultants need to be thoroughly trustworthy.

As you can appreciate, I have had the opportunity to work with a quite number of consultants, over the past 40 years. And I’ve quietly put together a close team of those ones, who have really gone out of their way to look after my Clients’ best interests.

Over the next week or so, I will reveal to you who these Consultants actually are — in the vital areas of:

  • Covering the Legal Issues;
  • Financing the Deal; and
  • Claiming your Full Tax Benefits.

Anyway, let’s make a start on the first one today. [Read more…]