7 Tips to make the Most of Your Commercial Property at Tax Time!


SEVERAL PEOPLE have asked how to pay less tax on on their investment properties. Therefore, we’ve put together a list of our best 7 tips to help you save money at tax time.

1. Loan Interest

While a property is rented, available for rent or in the process of being built for rent, loan interest is tax deductible?– even if it is still at planning stage.

This includes the interest you pay on money you use to purchase or improve the property. [Read more…]

Prime Cost or Diminishing Value … for Commercial Property?

Senior man being puzzled with tax documents

THE AUSTRALIAN Taxation Office (ATO) allows investors to choose between two alternative methods of claiming depreciation on plant and equipment assets. The diminishing value and the prime cost methods of depreciation.

When you make a depreciation claim, you can only choose one of these methods. It is important for you to understand how your choice will affect your investment returns. [Read more…]

Commercial Property Owners: Your Complete Depreciation Checklist

Mature couple doing family finances

THE END OF FINANCIAL YEAR may have come and gone but there is still time for commercial property owners to arrange a tax depreciation schedule. You could claim thousands of dollars in depreciation deductions.

Australian Taxation Office (ATO) legislation permits the owner of any income-producing property to claim depreciation in two ways:

  1. Capital works deductions
  2. Depreciation for plant and equipment assets [Read more…]

Commercial Property Owners Could Save Thousands in Depreciation


COMMERCIAL BUILDING OWNERS remain unaware of the taxation benefits their property can generate. One of the most beneficial, yet often missed, deductions is building depreciation. [Read more…]

Does Your Commercial Property Comply?


ONE QUESTION often asked by inexperienced investors is whether or not you can manage your own Commercial property.

And clearly, the short answer is “Yes” … if you know what you doing.

However, owning a Commercial property means that you do have certain legal responsibilities. And among them are your property’s compliance with the various Essential Services requirements, under current Building Regulations. [Read more…]

6 Tips for Commercial Investors at Tax Time [Pt 2]


IN THE FIRST Part of this series you discovered the first two tips to help you maximise the depreciation deductions that you can claim on your Commercial property.

Tax time is nearly here, take a look at the next four tips to make sure that you are claiming what you are entitled to. And not throwing money away. [Read more…]

6 Tips for Commercial Investors at Tax Time [Pt 1]


ARE YOU maximising your Commercial property depreciation deductions this financial year?

Tax time is approaching quickly and you are probably preparing to visit your Accountant to complete your annual income tax assessment. [Read more…]

Commercial Property Loans For Pro Investors: Part 2


LAST WEEK, I covered the reasons why it can be very difficult for asset-rich investors (who are no longer working or have scaled down their working) to get a loan.

Thankfully to date, the NCCP regulations do not apply to loans acquired for a commercial and business use.

Therefore, you have more options for investing using commercial borrowing, then you do for residential borrowing. The following tips will help you maintain your eligibility to borrow for longer, after stopping work. [Read more…]

Commercial Property Loans For Professional Investors


YOU’VE WORKED HARD your whole life; and had a successful career. You have used your money wisely, and your investments have been mostly successful.

As a result you have built up a solid asset base with a number of properties, which are positively geared and provide you with reliable rental income.

It is now time to enjoy life, scale down your workload, travel and do the things you always wanted to do.

You stumble upon the perfect Commercial property opportunity that will provide you with enough rental income to have the lifestyle that you want. [Read more…]

More About Consent for Lease Assignments


IN PART1, we considered assignment in the context of where the lease prohibits assignment absolutely or where the tenant cannot assign without the landlord’s consent (to be withheld in its absolute discretion).

This article considers assignment when the landlord cannot unreasonably withhold its consent. [Read more…]

Landlord’s Consent for a Lease Assignment


AS A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY landlord you have certain rights.

However, your ability to refuse consent to a lease assignment will depend on several factors.

[Read more…]