Part 2: More About Your Loan Security


IN THE LAST article, you read about two different types of security that lenders can take other than the mortgage. They were “Fixed and Floating Charges” and “Personal Guarantees”.

However, there are a few other forms of security that you should be aware of before entering into any agreements. Read on to find out more. [Read more…]

What Creates Security for Your Loan?


WHEN YOU TAKE out a property secured loan, you understand that a lender will register a mortgage against the property that is being secured.

However, typically, when you read through actual loan agreements, the mortgage is just one part of the security that is taken.

In this article, we will be looking at some of the other types of security that lenders will typically request when applying for a loan. [Read more…]

How to Claim Depreciation on Your Older Commercial Properties


ARE YOU FAILING to take advantage of the depreciation deductions available on your property because you believe your property is too old to warrant making a claim?

Your assumption is wrong and you could be missing out on valuable deductions. [Read more…]

With Commercial Property … Balance Wins the Day


THIS CHART APPEARED as part of a recent article in the Financial Review, by Mercedes Ruhl (30 October, page 41).

The article reassured investors that the anticipated short-term surge in sublease space (within Australia’s CBD Office markets) has simply not eventuated.

“Sublease space spikes at times when the economy is weak and business confidence is low because companies are restructuring and downsizing.”

Furthermore, the article suggests the overall amount of sublease space is expected to fall sharply over the next few months — following the post-election improvement in business confidence.

And of all the capital cities, the CBRE research shows Melbourne has provided the greatest improvement over the past year. [Read more…]

Depreciation Differences: Part 2


Commercial Vs Residential Property.

LAST WEEK, we covered the different types of Depreciation and the depreciation rules for tenants in Commercial properties.

Read on now, for the rules for claiming occupancy in a Commercial/Residential property — plus another useful tip, when it comes to when claiming deprecation. [Read more…]

Commercial Vs Residential Property … What are the Depreciation Differences?


THIS IS THE FIRST of a 2-part article, to help provide you with a useful comparison between the depreciation of Commercial and Residential property.

Investors considering purchasing an investment property will often enquire whether a Commercial or a Residential property will provide them with more deductions in the form of depreciation.

However, there are many important factors you need to be aware of when making a choice between these two investment options. [Read more…]

Adding Some New Life to Your Older Offices


LAST THURSDAY, The Australian Financial Review published an article (page 42) by Mercedes Rueh highlighting the emerging trend of Hubs and co-working spaces in Melbourne and other Australian capital cities.

What you need to take away from the article is that the nature of work is changing. And therefore, creating new opportunities for you and other Commercial property investors, who are flexible and forward thinking. [Read more…]

How to get the Best Pricing For your Commercial Loans


COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FINANCE rates and fees are much more fluid than those associated with residential loans.

To get the best deal, you should know what the banks look for and consider the other factors that go into pricing for commercial loans. The following ways may assist you in securing better pricing for your commercial loan. [Read more…]

New Effective Lives of Depreciable Assets


THE AUSTRALIAN Taxation Office (ATO) has released a new tax ruling — effective from the 1st of July 2013.

Tax Ruling 2013/04

Replacing Tax Ruling 2012/2 , Tax Ruling 2013/4 explains the methods you should use when determining the effective lives of depreciating assets.

While Table B of Tax Ruling 2013/4 lists the effective lives of depreciable assets currently recognised by the ATO.

Roll Out of New Effective Lives

The tax ruling in effect at the time you acquired an asset determines the effective life of that asset. Therefore, any changes the ATO have made to the effective lives of assets in Tax Ruling 2013/4 — only affect assets purchased and installed for use after the 1st of July 2013. [Read more…]

How to Use the Equity in Your Commercial Property


RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY INVESTORS commonly release equity in their homes in order to invest in other property. But can you do the same with your Commercial property?

Equity in Commercial Property

It is possible for you to utilise the equity in Commercial property … but it is a bit more difficult and complex than with residential property.

Banks are more risk-averse to Commercial property funding than they are to the residential market. And they will want to have some measure of control over the use of funds — before releasing cash to you. [Read more…]

How to Find the Right Builder


LIKE ALL THINGS, there is a “right” approach and there is a “wrong” approach to finding the perfect builder for your project.

Some developers, investors and building owners fall into the tempting trap of trying to cut costs — by bringing in builders who offer to work for much less, but who may not have the experience needed for that particular project.

These people hope that by reducing initial costs, they can boost their overall profits. Unfortunately this tends to backfire on them, more often than not. [Read more…]