Commercial Property and the Likely Impact of the Budget

CONCERN OVER HIGH INFLATION is what is causing the RBA to continue raising interest rates.

So the real question is … will the latest Budget be responsible for adding to inflationary pressures?

Anyway, let’s quickly pick apart the critical issues of the latest Budget – as far as they relate to Commercial property. [Read more…]

Australia’s Job Recovery Post COVID-19

DESPITE A RECENT surge in positive COVID-19 cases for Victoria, the infection rates detected by its testing blitz have remained at a very low 0.2%.

And so, that would suggest the virus is not widespread within the community.

Furthermore, there hasn’t been any marked increase in the number of cases actually requiring hospitalisation.

Half of the Job Losses to be Back by Christmas

[Read more…]

Economy Continues to Grow

IN REALITY, the Australian economy is showing solid growth in the metropolitan areas. And there is a flow-on effect into most regional cities – the only exceptions being those areas recently struck by drought and bushfires.

While not buoyant (and there may be a short-term pullback from natural disasters) … overall, the economic fundamentals look fine.

Therefore, we need to steer clear from unwittingly talking ourselves into recession. Because, as soon as confidence returns (and it will), consumers will start spending again. [Read more…]

The True Impact of US-China Trade Wars

THERE WAS A FAVOURABLE response to the so-called Phase 1 breakthrough in the Trade Talks, between the US and China. And there’s been further positive developments this week.

However, it is actually worth reviewing where things stood before these recent events.

Despite political tensions, there has been little adverse impact on Australia’s trade with China. And the rapid increase in China’s share of our exports has been principally driven by higher iron ore prices. [Read more…]

Likely Impact of the US/China Trade War on Property

ACCORDING TO JP MORGAN, the expected trade war should only shave about 0.07% off Australia’s GDP over the next couple of years. [Read more…]

The Pendulum Has Swung

WHAT AN AMAZING election result … although, I had always felt it would be a lot closer than everyone thought. Now many people are now asking how the pollsters could have got it so wrong?

In actual fact, they weren’t that far out. Rather, it was more a heavy bias in media coverage which fanned the Labor fever.

So, How DID the Coalition Manage to Win?

[Read more…]

Latest Information on the CBD Office Scene

LAST WEEK, the Property Council of Australia released its 6-monthly update on the national Office Market to January 2018. And a few interesting things emerged. [Read more…]

With Commercial Property … Balance Wins the Day


THIS CHART APPEARED as part of a recent article in the Financial Review, by Mercedes Ruhl (30 October, page 41).

The article reassured investors that the anticipated short-term surge in sublease space (within Australia’s CBD Office markets) has simply not eventuated.

“Sublease space spikes at times when the economy is weak and business confidence is low because companies are restructuring and downsizing.”

Furthermore, the article suggests the overall amount of sublease space is expected to fall sharply over the next few months — following the post-election improvement in business confidence.

And of all the capital cities, the CBRE research shows Melbourne has provided the greatest improvement over the past year. [Read more…]

The 9 Benefits You Can Gain …
From Investing in Commercial Property

There are numerous Benefits of owning Commercial property
One of the main attractions of investing in Commercial Property is its security.

Unlike residential property … Commercial Property is generally still there performing for you, if the economy does slow down.

However, when the economy is strong, Commercial Property grows in value and provides you with a steady income.

Anyway, for those of you starting out … here’s a list of the benefits you’ll enjoy from successful Commercial property investing. [Read more…]