Some More Construction Issues, Plus Solutions


Commercial Property Should Regain Some Normality


SEVERAL RECENT ARTICLES in the Financial Review have flagged a slowdown in Asian money flowing into the Australian property market.

And that is principally as a result of China clamping down on capital movements out of the country.

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Common Construction Problems


Changes to FIRB Requirements


Depreciation Can Be Rather Accommodating

You Can Write-off Up to $20,000 Immediately


“U Can’t Touch This”


New Tax Ruling 2015/2


Who Should Be Running Your Building Project?


CBD Office Markets: June 2015


A DETAILED SURVEY on the current state of the CBD Office markets by Jones Lang LaSalle was recently reported in the Australian Financial Review (16 July 2015).

And as you can see from the table below, there are now significant disparities among the CBD Office markets around Australia.

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Commercial Property Investing: 5 Golden Rules

Golden-RulesWITH THE PROPER guidance, Commercial property will prove to be a very rewarding investment — and in different ways.

However, there are several Golden Rules you really should keep in mind. [Read more…]