Unlocking the Power of Depreciation: 4 Common Myths Holding You Back 

WHEN IT COMES TO MAXIMISING your property’s income, depreciation is a powerful tool that is often overlooked.

As a Commercial Investor, you have a unique advantage over those investing solely in residential properties.

Let’s debunk some of the misconceptions surrounding depreciation – to help you take full advantage of this tax benefit. [Read more…]

7 Handy Tips to Use During Your Next Negotiation

Handy negotiating tips

WITH EVERY NEGOTIATION, you always need to be thinking on your feet. And here are several simple Tips to help you do just that. [Read more…]

Discover How to Negotiate Like a Pro …

I HAVE BEEN ASKED countless times about the secrets to a successful negotiation. And I want to share with you the key elements to help make your negotiations more effective.

But first, just watch this short video to gain a quick understanding of these three essential elements that form the foundation of every negotiation. [Read more…]

7 Ways AI Will Impact Commercial Property Investing

AI IS POISED TO HAVE a significant impact on Commercial property investing by revolutionising various aspects of the industry. 

Here are 7 ways in which AI is expected to affect commercial property investing: [Read more…]

How to Capture a Prospect’s Attention and Compel Them to Take Action

AS YOU ARE probably aware, the basic tools for marketing your property are the Advertisement, the Brochure and the Board.

However, do you realise these need to be treated as merely the gateway to your property’s webpage or the Information Memorandum? Their sole purpose is to capture the attention of your prospects and then compel them to seek further information.

You see, any form of Marketing is actually a 3-step process. [Read more…]

The 7 Key Strategies to Help You Negotiate

EVERYONE NEGOTIATES … and generally, for most of the time!

You see, whether it’s at work or at home, we are all trying to persuade someone to adopt our point of view.

And therefore, I have put together what I’ve found to be the top Negotiating strategies over the past 40 years. [Read more…]

Have You Sorted Out Your Holiday Reading Yet?


ABOUT TWO WEEKS ago, my latest book was launched on Amazon. And I gave first look at it to everyone who had bought some of my training materials in the past — as well as, to my Inner Circle. [Read more…]

Negotiating is a Learned Skill


IT WOULD BE FAIR TO SAY I’ve lost count of the number of times people ask me about the secrets for a Successful Negotiation.

And so, you might care to watch this short Video … to gain a quick understanding of the three Key Elements which underpin every negotiation.

Because, once you know how to Negotiate … this will provide you with your ultimate Passport to Success. [Read more…]

Why Choose Commercial Property Over Residential?


OBVIOUSLY, THIS IS the question every residential investor asks … whenever they are considering the transition across to Commercial property.

However, you will quickly discover the reasons are rather compelling. [Read more…]

What Can You Do When Your Tenant Leaves?



THE FIRST THING you need to do is come up with some creative ways to address this … AND still maintain your sanity, at the same time.

But no matter what your approach may be, there are several things you always need to do. [Read more…]

With Commercial Property Managers … What Should You Expect?


OF COURSE, everyone’s expectations will differ as to how your property should be managed. But over the years, my clients have provided a few clues. And these have been rather helpful in creating a simple checklist.

Good Property Management is the Key to Your SuccessAnd so once you’ve finally acquired a suitable Commercial property, any ongoing Management will need to make sure that … [Read more…]