Commercial Property:
Pricing Your Finance – Part 2

Last week, you looked at the reasons why lenders view Commercial property in a different league to Residential property, when it comes to finance.

Many things can affect the Pricing of your LoanAnd then, we moved to the various aspects Commercial lenders look at as far as Risk is concerned.

More importantly, just how these aspects will determine whether or not they will actually lend against the actual property you are looking to purchase.

However, what you really want to know is … [Read more…]

Distortion Guaranteed?

While the Rudd government may have moved quickly to provide guarantees for the major Banks during a financial turmoil … the impact of doing so has been disastrous for borrowers.

Right now, these major Banks seem to account for virtually 80% of all owner-occupier loans for property.

As such, the margins they are charging have never been higher — despite the Banks’ protestations of being “squeezed”.

RBA's Dilemma

RBA's Dilemma

Therefore, overall borrowings borrowings have been slowly trending downward over the past six months — because the major Banks have effectively amplified the rate increases handed down by the RBA.
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