“Where You Live Should NOT
Dictate Where You Actually Invest!”

Always consider the emerging trendsWherever you live, you tend to believe (and will happily tell people) that it is undoubtedly the best place to live.

Really, it’s just human nature.

But when it comes to investing your hard-earned dollars into Commercial property … your decisions should be governed by something more than a warm and fuzzy feeling.

For the past four or five years, Victoria has led the nation in economic growth; and it is one of the few enjoying a net growth in migration from other states.

Employment Growth shows some interesting trendsFurthermore, the latest ABS figures now confirm Victoria’s continued growth and job creation — leading all-comers over the past 12 months.

And you’ll also notice most of the various service sectors are currently outstripping the mining sector, as far as employment numbers are concerned. [Read more…]

Distortion Guaranteed?

While the Rudd government may have moved quickly to provide guarantees for the major Banks during a financial turmoil … the impact of doing so has been disastrous for borrowers.

Right now, these major Banks seem to account for virtually 80% of all owner-occupier loans for property.

As such, the margins they are charging have never been higher — despite the Banks’ protestations of being “squeezed”.

RBA's Dilemma

RBA's Dilemma

Therefore, overall borrowings borrowings have been slowly trending downward over the past six months — because the major Banks have effectively amplified the rate increases handed down by the RBA.
[Read more…]