5 Tax-time Tips for Commercial Property Owners

With tax time upon us, many property investors will be preparing to visit their Accountant to complete their annual income tax assessment.

Getting your tax in order can be a confusing task at the best of times, but when you’ve got a commercial investment property, it can get even more complex. [Read more…]

Why You Should Have Your Commercial Lease Prepared by Professionals

QUITE OFTEN THE QUESTION will arise, as to whether you need incur the cost of having a lawyer to prepare your commercial lease. And perhaps the answer is best found in this case study. [Read more…]

How The Royal Commission Will Affect Bank Lending

SINCE DECEMBER of last year, the Federal Government has been conducting a Royal Commission into the banking industry, as well as financial and superannuation services in general.

Some areas covered so far (relating to lending practices) have included commission structures for brokers and staff, as well as cash incentives being offered by banks. [Read more…]

Depreciation: The Rules May Change … But Your Goals Remain The Same

THOSE OF YOU considering the purchase of an investment property often ask whether a commercial or a residential property will provide them with more deductions in the form of depreciation.

As you will appreciate, there are many important factors an investor needs to be aware of – when making your choice between these two investment options. [Read more…]

Do You Understand Common Commercial Property Terms?

IT SURPRISES ME just how often I get asked to explain some of the more common terminology used with Commercial property.

For the experienced investor, this short article might seem a little ho-hum. Therefore, here is a link for you to download a rather comprehensive list of over 160 Common Terms Used by Commercial Property Investors.

[Read more…]

Why Do Politicians Pay Such Scant Regard to the Truth?

SURELY THE GENERAL PUBLIC aren’t that gullible? Maybe they are.

Everyone knows politicians tend to massage the truth to suit their purpose. However, it seams Bill Shorten is once again trying to mislead people – in much the same way as he did with the “Medi-scare” campaign, in the lead up to the last election. [Read more…]

The 9 Experts You Need on Your Investment Team

AS YOU HAVE gathered, BMT’s main focus is helping investors claim maximum property depreciation deductions. Yet as Chris Lang recommends, we also recognise the importance for property investors to have their own team of trusted experts in place. [Read more…]

Latest Information on the CBD Office Scene

LAST WEEK, the Property Council of Australia released its 6-monthly update on the national Office Market to January 2018. And a few interesting things emerged. [Read more…]

The Importance of Due Diligence When Buying Commercial Property

FIRSTLY, LET’S DEFINE what Due Diligence really means. And then, you need to understand when you should actually consider an in-depth Due Diligence study. [Read more…]

Tenancies, Leases, Business Types … How They Relate To Your Loan Applications


IN COMPARISON to the residential market, lending applications for commercial investment loans require a far greater scrutiny on the reliability of income from the property itself, often more so than that placed on the actual borrower.  [Read more…]

The Office Market Crown is Set to Move to Melbourne

SYDNEY HAS traditionally claimed to be the largest office market, with the greatest office space take-up each year.

However, more corporate tenants leased space in Melbourne during the second half of last year, then any other capital city. In fact … 110,000 sqm more space than they actually vacated. [Read more…]