Retail Reality

Wallet Workout
As this graph shows, there has been a strong long-term relationship between unemployment and retail vacancies.

And were you to base your Investment decisions on this measure alone, you could be forgiven for assuming there will be a healthy couple of years ahead of the retail sector as a whole.
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Space Shortage Looming?

Office Vacancy rates around Australia are falling — albeit faster in some capital cities, than others.

The chart below shows you where things currently stand.
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Interest Rate Rises …
Are they a Good Sign?

The RBA’s decision on interest rates yesterday came about because of what’s happening here in Australia, rather than in Europe.

It has been made against the backdrop of our exporters having recently extracted massive price hikes for iron or in coal, as a result of China’s strong growth.

Since the global turmoil started in 2008, the $A has climbed by nearly 55% against the $US — and just over 40% against our other key trading partners.

RBA Logic

RBA Logic

This has more or less offset the rise in Australia’s local retail prices, through a sharp decline in the cost of imported items — like electrical goods, clothing, footwear and furniture.

As a result, the NAB’s business confidence index stands firmly positive for the third consecutive quarter. And even more importantly, actually improved throughout the last quarter.

h2. How will this affect Commercial Property?
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Retail Returns to Favour

Retail property has had some press coverage of late.

It has shown a surprising improvement, given global events and the hike in interest rates.

Westfield (a good retail barometer) reported a strong mid-year result from its Australian shopping centres.

RetailMar2010As you can see from the table, Vacancy rates have fallen significantly and Yields firmed — particularly within the strip shopping centres of Melbourne.

And furthermore, rentals have also started to climb … as the economic recovery has given shoppers confidence to start spending again.

Currently yields ranging between 4% and 6.5% across these various strip centres. And would indicate that investors are returning to retail property once more.

If you are planning to acquire some Retail property, you need …

    1. A strong tenant (well-established, or proven backing);
    2. A long lease (5 years+); and also
    3. Solid rental reviews (CPI or at least 3.75% pa).

With these in place, you should be able enjoy a good long-term investment.