Why is Everyone Surprised at Our Speedy Recovery?

IF YOU REMEMBER back to last May and June of last year, I explained that the economic decline caused by COVID was quite different from any other recessions.

What we experienced was a Medical Crisis with economic implications. As opposed to a total collapse of the Financial System – as you experienced during the GFC. [Read more…]

Buying Commercial Property? Make Sure You Choose Wisely

Real GDPIN ALAN MITHELL’s article last Saturday (AFR: page 15), he discussed a recent report from the OECD — which outlined the growing pressures upon the Australian economy for structural change.

Apparently, the centre of gravity for global activity is gradually moving.

Centre of Gravity is coming closer to AustraliaAnd as the table shows, this is moving closer to Australia; and will bring with it an increase in … specialisation, innovation, productivity and income.

However, as a Commercial property landlord, you will only continue to be successful if you can quickly identify those businesses benefiting most from what’s occurring.

You have already seen a shift in manufactured goods offshore; as well as the car industry unwisely being subsidised by government. [Read more…]