Your Investment Climate During 2024

THERE IS A BELIEF among many experts that a surge in the stock market typically precedes a recovery in the commercial property market by about six months. And the start of this year saw equity markets gaining some momentum.

Bank of America’s most recent survey of fund managers for 2023 indicates that this momentum is expected to remain strong.

[Read more…]

CBD Offices … After Covid

BEFORE THE PANDEMIC, there was a shortage of office space looming within the Sydney and Melbourne CBDs.

In fact, both were heading towards unhealthy vacancy levels of around 2% to 3%.

However, with extended lockdowns and some new supply coming onto the market … all that has clearly changed. [Read more…]

Why Choose Commercial Property Over Residential?


OBVIOUSLY, THIS IS the question every residential investor asks … whenever they are considering the transition across to Commercial property.

However, you will quickly discover the reasons are rather compelling. [Read more…]

As An Aspiring Commercial Property Investor … Why Are You Procrastinating?

Ready ... Fire ... Aim
I THINK it was management guru, Tom Peters, who came up with probably the best advice on how to overcome procrastination — stemming from the need to have everything perfect BEFORE taking action.

And even though his advice may have originated in the 1980s … it certainly still holds true today, when it comes to Commercial property investors.

Tom Peters’ simple strategy was: “Ready … Fire … Aim!” [Read more…]

Commercial Property: How to Turn 2 Perceived Problems to Your Advantage

OVER THE PAST few weeks, you have read the 5 Common Myths About Commercial Property.

And also covered in some detail the 5 Reasons Why Serious Investors Prefer Commercial Property.

Therefore, it’s probably time to explore two other issues, which inexperienced property investors often see as being major problems. [Read more…]

Buying Offices Requires You To Understand The Local Markets

Suburnban Offices are in DemandNOT THAT long ago, the Office market as a whole was progressing well … right around Australia.

However, following the GFC, each local suburban market has been recovering at a different pace.

Perth rebounded rather dramatically, once the mining sector started to pick up again. And yet it has suddenly plateaued, while mining currently takes a breather. [Read more…]

Buying Commercial Property … By Numbers

Choosing Commercial PropertyAS YOU WILL quickly discover, finding suitable Commercial property investments comes down to a numbers game. And interestingly, many people consider these current times to be a buyers’ market.

However, as a serious investor, you will have found it difficult to identify many really top-notch properties right now. And at the moment, this is probably your #1 concern. [Read more…]

Is It Wise To Borrow When You Buy Commercial Property?

Prudent Borrowing can accelerate your return

There is no doubt, you can certainly accelerate your overall return from Commercial property, by gearing up with a loan.

Even so, you should FIRST make sure that you can say “Yes” to each of the following questions. [Read more…]

Where Do Your Profits Come From With Commercial Property?

You need to anticipate your Tenant's needsAS AN INVESTOR in Commercial property, you need to fully appreciate where your profits actually come from.

In most cases, the key lies with your tenants … who provide you a steady stream of income.

So finding reliable tenants is crucial; which means understanding their needs, and providing them an suitable premises.

Therefore, it is essential that you continually anticipate exactly what your tenants are expecting. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: 5 Key Decisions To Help Guarantee Your Investment Success

 You need to make certain Decisions to Succeed with Commercial property
Investing in Commercial property is not “rocket science”.

Nonetheless, there are certain key steps you do need to follow. And those involve you in making a number of simple (yet vital) decisions.

DECISION #1: Your Goals for the long and short term?
In other words, are you seeking Income on Capital growth — or both? Maybe you are after some good Tax savings — through negative gearing or Depreciation? [Read more…]