Commercial Property: 6 More Tips For Investing with a Private Syndicate

Syndication can multiply your Equity, and help Minimise your RisksSeveral weeks ago, you began learning about how to buy Commercial property using a Private Syndicate.

Continuing on from that, here are your final six tips for success …

  • Price range
  • Required Lease Terms
  • Due Diligence
  • Legal and Accounting Issues
  • Timing of Equity into the Syndicate
  • Initial Yield [Read more…]

Trusted Consultants ~ Part 2:
Financing the Deal

LAST WEEK, I promised to reveal those key Consultants to whom I’d be prepared to entrust my own property deals. So, let’s progress a little further with that.

Perry Finance are problem solversNo doubt you will have experienced your share of problems, when it comes to arranging the finance for a recent purchase you may have finalised.

As you’re probably aware, most vendors are unwilling to enter into a contract in the current market, containing a “subject to finance” clause. Because it would simply tie up their Commercial property, without any certainty of a sale. [Read more…]