How To Multiply Your Funds Available For Investment

CLEARLY, the more funds you have available as a Commercial property investor … the wider your choice, and the greater your chances are for growth.

When starting out, most investors feel the only way to leverage your modest equity is through borrowing. And sometimes you may extend yourself too much in the process.

Joining a Syndicate can help Multiply your Funds

But there is another avenue, which carries far less risk will. And that involves joining with like-minded investors, in a private Syndicate. [Read more…]

Tried-and-True Ideas to Profit from Commercial Real Estate Investing

KEEP IN mind that Commercial property investing is all about the deal, the terms and the return on investment.

Below are a few key tips intended to give you a hand with your property investing. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: 6 More Tips For Investing with a Private Syndicate

Syndication can multiply your Equity, and help Minimise your RisksSeveral weeks ago, you began learning about how to buy Commercial property using a Private Syndicate.

Continuing on from that, here are your final six tips for success …

  • Price range
  • Required Lease Terms
  • Due Diligence
  • Legal and Accounting Issues
  • Timing of Equity into the Syndicate
  • Initial Yield [Read more…]

Commercial Property: Home-study Course
Now Taking Shape

My new Training Course is quickly taking shape
Yesterday, I gave my Inner Circle a “sneak peek” at the outline for my brand-new training Course … “Mastering Commercial Property”.

And over the past couple of weeks, I have actually progressed a fair way down the track, in bringing it all together.

However, I just wanted you to see the direction in which it was heading.

Therefore, you can take a look now at just how the website is taking shape. And please keep your feedback coming — because no it’s been just so helpful.


Commercial Property: 6 Guidelines for
Investing with a Private Syndicate

Syndicates can multiply your Equity AND help spread your Risk at the same time.
In essence, a Private Syndicate consists of no more than 20 members. And the appointment of the trustee, the choice of the Commercial property investment and the decision to sell are ALL made by the members.

The following guidelines will help you to set up a successful private syndicate. [Read more…]

Tried-and-True Tips to Profit from Commercial Real Estate Investing

Tips for your Success with Commercial propertyTHE BEST looking property could actually represent the worst real estate investment you have ever made.

Remember that Commercial real estate investing is all about … the Deal, the Terms and the Return on investment. Here are some tips for successful Commercial real estate investing. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: 5 Key Decisions To Help Guarantee Your Investment Success

 You need to make certain Decisions to Succeed with Commercial property
Investing in Commercial property is not “rocket science”.

Nonetheless, there are certain key steps you do need to follow. And those involve you in making a number of simple (yet vital) decisions.

DECISION #1: Your Goals for the long and short term?
In other words, are you seeking Income on Capital growth — or both? Maybe you are after some good Tax savings — through negative gearing or Depreciation? [Read more…]