The 9 Benefits You Can Gain …
From Investing in Commercial Property

There are numerous Benefits of owning Commercial property
One of the main attractions of investing in Commercial Property is its security.

Unlike residential property … Commercial Property is generally still there performing for you, if the economy does slow down.

However, when the economy is strong, Commercial Property grows in value and provides you with a steady income.

Anyway, for those of you starting out … here’s a list of the benefits you’ll enjoy from successful Commercial property investing. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: 5 Key Things to Consider

Location, Position, Where it ...Commercial property does require a little more thought than Residential property. But the rewards are solid; and generally, more predictable.

Simply keep these 5 aspects in mind, when it comes to choosing Commercial property. [Read more…]

Commercial Sales Gain Momentum

AuctioAuctioneer's gavelneer's gavel
Around Australia, Commercial clearance rates at auction are now about on par with Residential property — averaging at around 50%.

Victoria seems to be leading the way, with Commercial clearance rates for some types of property approaching 70%.

New South Wales is running about six months behind at? around 60%, with firming yields. And Queensland is probably a further 12 to 18 months away in its recovery. [Read more…]