Commercial Property Investing: How to Uncover a Good Deal

Discovering a Good DealIT’S TRUE … every deal will always be different. But that does not mean you can’t use a series of simple measures, to help you sift the “wheat from the chaff”!

Only then, are those properties entitled to make it through to the next stage of detailed analysis.

How to Quickly Shortlist Your Properties [Read more…]

Commercial Property Investing: 5 Golden Rules

Golden-RulesWITH THE PROPER guidance, Commercial property will prove to be a very rewarding investment — and in different ways.

However, there are several Golden Rules you really should keep in mind. [Read more…]

Buying Commercial Property? Make Sure You Choose Wisely

Real GDPIN ALAN MITHELL’s article last Saturday (AFR: page 15), he discussed a recent report from the OECD — which outlined the growing pressures upon the Australian economy for structural change.

Apparently, the centre of gravity for global activity is gradually moving.

Centre of Gravity is coming closer to AustraliaAnd as the table shows, this is moving closer to Australia; and will bring with it an increase in … specialisation, innovation, productivity and income.

However, as a Commercial property landlord, you will only continue to be successful if you can quickly identify those businesses benefiting most from what’s occurring.

You have already seen a shift in manufactured goods offshore; as well as the car industry unwisely being subsidised by government. [Read more…]

As An Aspiring Commercial Property Investor … Why Are You Procrastinating?

Ready ... Fire ... Aim
I THINK it was management guru, Tom Peters, who came up with probably the best advice on how to overcome procrastination — stemming from the need to have everything perfect BEFORE taking action.

And even though his advice may have originated in the 1980s … it certainly still holds true today, when it comes to Commercial property investors.

Tom Peters’ simple strategy was: “Ready … Fire … Aim!” [Read more…]

Top Property Managers Deliver You 7 Standout Benefits

Good Property Management is the Key to Your SuccessYOU’RE EXCITED … having just purchased a Commercial property investment. But what happens from here on, effectively determines just how profitable your acquisition will be.

Therefore, choose wisely when selecting your property managers — to ensure they share the same aspirations as you do. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: How to Turn 2 Perceived Problems to Your Advantage

OVER THE PAST few weeks, you have read the 5 Common Myths About Commercial Property.

And also covered in some detail the 5 Reasons Why Serious Investors Prefer Commercial Property.

Therefore, it’s probably time to explore two other issues, which inexperienced property investors often see as being major problems. [Read more…]

Buying Offices Requires You To Understand The Local Markets

Suburnban Offices are in DemandNOT THAT long ago, the Office market as a whole was progressing well … right around Australia.

However, following the GFC, each local suburban market has been recovering at a different pace.

Perth rebounded rather dramatically, once the mining sector started to pick up again. And yet it has suddenly plateaued, while mining currently takes a breather. [Read more…]

Buying Commercial Property … By Numbers

Choosing Commercial PropertyAS YOU WILL quickly discover, finding suitable Commercial property investments comes down to a numbers game. And interestingly, many people consider these current times to be a buyers’ market.

However, as a serious investor, you will have found it difficult to identify many really top-notch properties right now. And at the moment, this is probably your #1 concern. [Read more…]

8 Things to Consider, When Buying a Commercial Property Investment

When Buying Commercial Property ...LEAVING aside things like projected cash flows, depreciation and taxation issues for moment … let’s look at some of the key factors that determine whether or not the property itself will stack up.

What follows is basically a checklist of the various aspects to investigate, when you start looking to purchase a Commercial investment property.

And, while this is not intended to be an exhaustive list, it should give you some insight into the depth of analysis you’ll need to undertake … as part of your due diligence process. [Read more…]

How to Validate Your Commercial Property Purchase

Carrying out proper Due Dilignce is vitalMANY PEOPLE make the mistake of carrying out the due diligence study BEFORE they acquire their commercial properties.

This can end up becoming a very expensive process — because you can often miss out on the property, whenever someone else snaps it up, before you complete your study.

Therefore, the secret lies in ensuring you negotiate a deal — where your due diligence occurs AFTER you have tied up the property, under a binding contract of sale. [Read more…]

​Being Creative Transforms Commercial Property Deals

Creativity brings massive rewards, at virtually no cost.PRICES may be rather attractive at the moment, but the days of quick-and-easy financing are over.

Furthermore, the tight credit market is making it tough for some investors to secure loans.

Nonetheless, with a little creativity and preparation, you can often bring otherwise-doubtful funding options within your reach. [Read more…]