Handling Depreciation for Commercial Mixed-use Developments

YOU WILL FIND Commercial properties come in all shapes and sizes.

Office towers, warehouses, the local café, and farms are all examples of commercial properties. The flexibility and sheer size of commercial properties can offer investors the opportunity to own mixed-use commercial property.  [Read more…]

Why is Everyone Surprised at Our Speedy Recovery?

IF YOU REMEMBER back to last May and June of last year, I explained that the economic decline caused by COVID was quite different from any other recessions.

What we experienced was a Medical Crisis with economic implications. As opposed to a total collapse of the Financial System – as you experienced during the GFC. [Read more…]

How Will COVID Affect CBD Office Vacancy Rates?

IN LATE JANUARY, the Property Council of Australia released its 6-monthly summary of CBD vacancy rates around Australia.

And not surprisingly, there has been an increase across the board – following a slow return of office work, as a result of COVID. [Read more…]

Do You Really Understand The Fundamentals of Commercial Depreciation?

AS YOU’RE PROBABLY aware, BMT Tax Depreciation has been providing depreciation services to commercial owners and tenants for over 20 years.

During this time, their team has ensured these businesses maximise these returns by claiming millions in tax deductions.

Despite being the only non-cash deduction you have available, many investors are not making the most of the opportunity – or in some cases, not even claiming it at all. [Read more…]

Why Not Take Advantage of Record-breaking Incentives?

THE 2020-21 FEDERAL BUDGET introduced a number of new, temporary measures. The focus is to help boost the Australian economy out of this pandemic-induced recession, drive investment and to create more jobs. 

This budget announced record-breaking incentives that are now available for businesses located Australia wide.  [Read more…]

The Rapid Recovery Should NOT Come as a Surprise

YOU MAY RECALL back in May and July, I foreshadowed a quick recovery would occur – as soon as we emerged from lockdown.

You see, what we’ve just been through, is a medical crisis with financial implications. NOT a total financial collapse – like we had during the GFC.

As such, “Demand” didn’t disappear … it simply got deferred. And you’ve already observed that with consumers now engaging in “Retail revenge” – as depicted in the graphic below (AFR, front page: 3 Dec 2020).

During the pandemic my clients seemed to fall into two camps:

  • Those who feared a total collapse, with a prolonged recovery.
  • Those who listened and saw the opportunity to secure a good property, while the market itself remained confused.

Already you are seeing eager buyers re-entering the property market (both residential and commercial) – with prices on the rise once more.

Therefore, those who did buy during the pandemic are now having their faith vindicated. And now, the strength of this renewed demand is bringing more properties onto the market.

Therein, Lies Your Next Opportunity

Not all the properties coming onto the market during November & December can be absorbed before Christmas.

Naturally, this will make those vendors somewhat unsettled – because the commercial market doesn’t officially reopen again until February/March.

So, if you are cashed up and able to move quickly … there should be a number of good choices for you early in the New Year.

Bottom Line: What I’m planning to do is compile a list of those unsold properties for my clients. And then, we’ll quietly sift through these opportunities together – to help clients secure several genuine bargains.

If that could be of interest to you … just let me know.

Handy Tool for Commercial Property Owners

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY OWNERS juggle so things every day … from negotiations with potential tenants to tracking income and expenses. 

BMT’s free,easy-to-use MyBMT portal is something every commercial property owner should have in their tool kit – because it allows them to manage their investment and depreciation needs with ease. [Read more…]

7 Handy Tips You Can Use in Your Next Negotiation

IN ANY NEGOTIATION there will always be times when you need to think on your feet. To help you, here are a few tips you might care to add to your Toolbox.

Tip # 1: Treat Negotiating as a Process

[Read more…]

How to Capture a Prospect’s Attention and Compel Them to Take Action

AS YOU ARE probably aware, the basic tools for marketing your property are the Advertisement, the Brochure and the Board.

However, do you realise these need to be treated as merely the gateway to your property’s webpage or the Information Memorandum? Their sole purpose is to capture the attention of your prospects and then compel them to seek further information.

You see, any form of Marketing is actually a 3-step process. [Read more…]

How to Really Boost Your Depreciation Claims

PROPERTY DEPRECIATION is one of the most reliable sources of bonus cash flow – for both commercial property owners and businesses. And site inspections are an essential step to claiming the most depreciation possible. 

When Site Inspectors from a specialist quantity surveying firm physically survey your property, they know what to look for. They ensure nothing is missed and total compliance is maintained.  [Read more…]

Smashing The 5 Myths About Commercial Property

RIGHT NOW everyone is rather confused because of COVID. And what I generally find is that when investors are confused … they tend to do nothing. 

Yet despite the dire predictions of market collapses, that’s NOT what has occurred. Sure, the share market has been rather volatile. However, the property market has basically held up well. [Read more…]