Commercial Property Going Forward in 2023

WITH A CLEARER OUTLOOK for interest rates, Commercial property is expected to bounce back in 2023. Particularly, with several pundits suggesting the RBA could well start to ease rates again later this year.

Understanding the facts

There will be some investors, who may initially take a cautious approach. [Read more…]

Boosting Your Commercial Investment Cash Flow?

RENOVATING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY has many drawcards such as increasing value and functionality, plus attracting new tenants.

However, commercial property owners and tenants can literally be throwing away cash when they are renovating. [Read more…]

5 Handy Negotiating Tips When Looking to Buy Commercial Property

IT ALWAYS AMAZES me how little importance investors place upon the skills required to put a great property deal together.

They will spend loads of time researching the market and arranging finance. But will too often get emotionally involved, and want to conclude each Negotiation as soon as possible. [Read more…]

5 Tips to Maximise Your Tax Benefits With Commercial Property

TAX TIME FOR COMMERCIAL property investors can often be complex with many factors to consider, including property depreciation. 

To help you get the most out of your commercial property, here are 5 tax tips on depreciation from BMT Tax Depreciation. [Read more…]

Attracting Staff Members Back into The Office

ATTRACTING GOOD TALENT is proving to be a real issue for many businesses, with unemployment at a near 50-year low. Plus, one of the major challenges right now is how to actually lure staff back to the office.  [Read more…]

Medical Centres – Depreciation Case Study 

THESE PAST FEW years have been challenging for the healthcare industry and medical centres in particular.

Issues with staffing, COVID-19, and larger than normal patient numbers have resulted in rapid growth within the industry.

In 2021 over 1.8 million people were employed in the health care and social assistance industry, which is projected to increase to more than 2 million by 2025.  [Read more…]

Your Due Diligence on Commercial Property

THE QUESTION OF Due Diligence is an interesting one. 

There are two schools of thought. Some people believe they should undertake all the due diligence investigations BEFORE actually making an offer and finalising the commercial terms of the deal.

There are a couple of issues here – number one is: Due diligence, done properly, costs money. Therefore, my approach has always been not to spend money until you have control of the property. [Read more…]

How to Conduct In-depth Investment Analysis?

WHEN IT COMES to in-depth analysis of Commercial properties, it is obviously far more complicated than a simple rating system.

That’s because you actually need a sophisticated piece of software – of which there is a number out in the marketplace.

But you’ll find most of them seem overly complicated … are not very user-friendly … and tend to generate endless pages of output data.

There are about 20 Key Items involved.

So, let’s quickly run through these various items. [Read more…]

Depreciation Tips for Commercial Property

UNDERSTANDING COMMERCIAL DEPRECIATION can sometimes be difficult, but luckily you are able to get some expert advice right here from the BMT team. 

And the good news is … you don’t need to know everything. That’s why you engage a specialist – to help you claim the maximum deductions. [Read more…]

Your Key Steps When Packaging a Deal?

IT’S ALWAYS INTERESTING to discover some Commercial property investors still feel contracts there’s a need to include a “subject to finance” clause – so they can check whether or not funds will be available. 

However, they are in fact approaching things from the wrong angle. You see, you don’t need your finance approved before entering into a deal. [Read more…]

How Important is it to Have An Investment Strategy?

AS IT IS WITH ANY INVESTMENT you make – be it shares, property or collectables … you need to know where you are heading. Plus, also ensure you have a solid foundation upon which to base all your decisions.

So, clearly, the answer to this question is: “Very important!” And probably more so, when you’re considering a commercial property. [Read more…]