How to Capture a Prospect’s Attention and Compel Them to Take Action

AS YOU ARE probably aware, the basic tools for marketing your property are the Advertisement, the Brochure and the Board.

However, do you realise these need to be treated as merely the gateway to your property’s webpage or the Information Memorandum? Their sole purpose is to capture the attention of your prospects and then compel them to seek further information.

You see, any form of Marketing is actually a 3-step process. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: When Time Comes to Sell (Part 2)


Last week, you explored the various Selling methods available to you — which ones were the preferred, and why.

Plus, you were also given some initial insight into the benefits of using Web (or “Stealth”) Marketing techniques. But how does this differ from traditional marketing for Commercial property? [Read more…]

Commercial Property on Your iPhone?

RATHER than you having to download an App to make these articles easier to read on your iPhone or iPad, you will discover they have been completely reconfigured for you.

If you’re reading this on your iPhone or iPad … simply, click on the link below to Read more, and you can then check out the new format for yourself. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: Home-study Course
Now Taking Shape

My new Training Course is quickly taking shape
Yesterday, I gave my Inner Circle a “sneak peek” at the outline for my brand-new training Course … “Mastering Commercial Property”.

And over the past couple of weeks, I have actually progressed a fair way down the track, in bringing it all together.

However, I just wanted you to see the direction in which it was heading.

Therefore, you can take a look now at just how the website is taking shape. And please keep your feedback coming — because no it’s been just so helpful.