With Commercial Property Managers … What Should You Expect?


OF COURSE, everyone’s expectations will differ as to how your property should be managed. But over the years, my clients have provided a few clues. And these have been rather helpful in creating a simple checklist.

Good Property Management is the Key to Your SuccessAnd so once you’ve finally acquired a suitable Commercial property, any ongoing Management will need to make sure that … [Read more…]

Top Property Managers Deliver You 7 Standout Benefits

Good Property Management is the Key to Your SuccessYOU’RE EXCITED … having just purchased a Commercial property investment. But what happens from here on, effectively determines just how profitable your acquisition will be.

Therefore, choose wisely when selecting your property managers — to ensure they share the same aspirations as you do. [Read more…]

8 Things to Consider, When Buying a Commercial Property Investment

When Buying Commercial Property ...LEAVING aside things like projected cash flows, depreciation and taxation issues for moment … let’s look at some of the key factors that determine whether or not the property itself will stack up.

What follows is basically a checklist of the various aspects to investigate, when you start looking to purchase a Commercial investment property.

And, while this is not intended to be an exhaustive list, it should give you some insight into the depth of analysis you’ll need to undertake … as part of your due diligence process. [Read more…]

Is It Wise To Borrow When You Buy Commercial Property?

Prudent Borrowing can accelerate your return

There is no doubt, you can certainly accelerate your overall return from Commercial property, by gearing up with a loan.

Even so, you should FIRST make sure that you can say “Yes” to each of the following questions. [Read more…]

12 Fundamentals You Need to Follow … When Buying Commercial Property

There are 12 Rules you need to follow to successAS YOU WILL appreciate, being able to sleep at night is one of the key objectives for any Commercial property investor.

And that’s what many property investors refer to as staying below your “Threshold of Insomnia”.

There can be several things that might cause you to lose sleep. One is over-borrowing; and the others are making a poor assessment of the market and the property itself. [Read more…]

Tried-and-True Ideas to Profit from Commercial Real Estate Investing

KEEP IN mind that Commercial property investing is all about the deal, the terms and the return on investment.

Below are a few key tips intended to give you a hand with your property investing. [Read more…]