With Commercial Property Managers … What Should You Expect?


OF COURSE, everyone’s expectations will differ as to how your property should be managed. But over the years, my clients have provided a few clues. And these have been rather helpful in creating a simple checklist.

Good Property Management is the Key to Your SuccessAnd so once you’ve finally acquired a suitable Commercial property, any ongoing Management will need to make sure that … [Read more…]

Due Diligence: 5 Key Issues to Verify + Questions to Ask!

WHENEVER YOU embark upon a physical Due Diligence for any Commercial property, there are five key issues on which you should focus. And all of them need to be fully explored.

Depending on the size and type of the building, you may well require a more-detailed analysis. But for the time being, this will provide you with a basic checklist. [Read more…]

How to Complete a Building Project on Time & on Budget

AS YOU DISCOVERED last week, carrying out a proper due diligence is vital for any significant Commercial property purchase.

And that’s part of our role … assessing the overall structure, along with the various building services — simply to ensure they are all in good order.

However as time goes by, you may well have the need to upgrade or extend your building … if only to meet the changing needs of your tenants.

Yet this is where many investors seem to get into trouble — by undertaking something well beyond the limits of their capabilities. [Read more…]

Brand New … Rearing to Go!


Bringing you Commercial Property in far Greater Depth.

NOTHING BEATS hearing it straight from an Expert in their field. Whether it is Legal matters, Finance, Due Diligence, Tax Depreciation, Valuation issues or about the Commercial property market … who better than those handling these specific areas day in, and died out?

And that’s why I’ve brought together an Expert Panel … to provide you with regular, in-depth articles on each of these aspects.

Meet all the New Contributors

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Commercial Property: Getting The Numbers Right

Getting The Numbers RightOVER THE PAST few weeks … we’ve spent some time talking about the Anatomy of a Commercial Property Dealhow to to find Top Commercial properties and … the need for proper Due Diligence.

However, it’s probably worth showing you how to establish what funds you actually have available to invest upfront.

It’s certainly not a complicated process — but a vital one , nonetheless.

You see, many investors tend to overestimate (and will often even underestimate) the amount of the funds they may have available. And that immediately impacts upon the value of the property you can acquire. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: Have You Bought What You Thought?

DueDiligenceWHENEVER you’re looking to acquire a Commercial property for $1 million or more, you should undertake thorough due diligence on it … before making a final commitment.

However, some investors new to Commercial property generally find themselves with a dilemma:

  1. By carrying out their due diligence before making an initial offer, they could end up missing out on the property and running up unnecessary costs; OR …
  2. By trying to make due diligence a condition of the contract, this may offend the vendor and derail the whole deal.

So, let’s explore both of these approaches in a little more detail. [Read more…]

How Good a Commercial Property Investor Are You?

InvestSOME WOULD-BE investors never get around to taking the plunge into Commercial property.

They certainly know quite a lot, because they read plenty of books and regularly attend seminars. But even so, they remain what are affectionately called “Armchair Investors”.

How to Cure Procrastination

There is a certain hesitancy that sometimes accompanies the transition from Residential to Commercial property investing. [Read more…]

The Anatomy of a Commercial Property Deal

SO LET’S GO right back to basics … and just break down a Commercial property investment into its fundamental components.

You see, very few investors seem to spend enough time to fully understand what’s involved.

>>>>>Your Investment = Equity + Debt + Ideas + Time

And you may care to explore each of these aspects in a little more detail. [Read more…]

Commercial Property Investing: 5 Golden Rules

Golden-RulesWITH THE PROPER guidance, Commercial property will prove to be a very rewarding investment — and in different ways.

However, there are several Golden Rules you really should keep in mind. [Read more…]

Top Property Managers Deliver You 7 Standout Benefits

Good Property Management is the Key to Your SuccessYOU’RE EXCITED … having just purchased a Commercial property investment. But what happens from here on, effectively determines just how profitable your acquisition will be.

Therefore, choose wisely when selecting your property managers — to ensure they share the same aspirations as you do. [Read more…]

Buying Commercial Property … By Numbers

Choosing Commercial PropertyAS YOU WILL quickly discover, finding suitable Commercial property investments comes down to a numbers game. And interestingly, many people consider these current times to be a buyers’ market.

However, as a serious investor, you will have found it difficult to identify many really top-notch properties right now. And at the moment, this is probably your #1 concern. [Read more…]