Not all Repairs to Commercial Property are Automatically Deductible!

Claiming Repairs for Commercial property needs careful thought
Did you realise that some of the repairs you make to your Commercial property are NOT necessarily deductible against your rental income?

Often, it comes down to something as simple as timing. [Read more…]

The 9 Benefits You Can Gain …
From Investing in Commercial Property

There are numerous Benefits of owning Commercial property
One of the main attractions of investing in Commercial Property is its security.

Unlike residential property … Commercial Property is generally still there performing for you, if the economy does slow down.

However, when the economy is strong, Commercial Property grows in value and provides you with a steady income.

Anyway, for those of you starting out … here’s a list of the benefits you’ll enjoy from successful Commercial property investing. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: 5 Key Things to Consider

Location, Position, Where it ...Commercial property does require a little more thought than Residential property. But the rewards are solid; and generally, more predictable.

Simply keep these 5 aspects in mind, when it comes to choosing Commercial property. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: 5 Key Decisions To Help Guarantee Your Investment Success

 You need to make certain Decisions to Succeed with Commercial property
Investing in Commercial property is not “rocket science”.

Nonetheless, there are certain key steps you do need to follow. And those involve you in making a number of simple (yet vital) decisions.

DECISION #1: Your Goals for the long and short term?
In other words, are you seeking Income on Capital growth — or both? Maybe you are after some good Tax savings — through negative gearing or Depreciation? [Read more…]

Building Your Team of
Trusted Expert Consultants

Building your Consulting TeamAS YOU know, Property Edge Australia is there to help you in identifying and negotiating the actual purchase of your next Commercial property.

However, you still require certain other key consultants, in order to make every deal really work for you.

And those consultants need to be thoroughly trustworthy.

As you can appreciate, I have had the opportunity to work with a quite number of consultants, over the past 40 years. And I’ve quietly put together a close team of those ones, who have really gone out of their way to look after my Clients’ best interests.

Over the next week or so, I will reveal to you who these Consultants actually are — in the vital areas of:

  • Covering the Legal Issues;
  • Financing the Deal; and
  • Claiming your Full Tax Benefits.

Anyway, let’s make a start on the first one today. [Read more…]

Top Commercial Property Investors
Always Have a Master Plan

You need a good Master Plan
When you’re just starting out, your main aim is probably just trying to secure a worthwhile property.

However, to be truly successful, you actually do need to have a Master Plan.

And to help you, here are 6 Steps towards formulating one for yourself. [Read more…]

“Capture Your Firm’s Full Value”

Last week, we talked about what you could be missing out on … when you find the need to move.

Whenever you decide to relocate to new Headquarters, what are the key things you are seeking to achieve? [Read more…]