Discover How to Make the Best Choices When Investing in Commercial Property

Prepare for your Commercial Property DecisionsIf you’re looking to purchase a Commercial property to occupy yourself, perhaps you should make it a two-step process — by first renting a property within the location you prefer.

Finding somewhere to lease is relatively easy, as not everyone wants to sell their commercial property.

Most people own Commercial property for investment — which means you would be able to occupy the space, for as long as you keep paying the rent. Plus, you can then discover whether it is the location you want for your business.

Anyway, you may care to check out a few more tips on buying commercial real estate, as you continue reading. [Read more…]

Will the RBA Cut Rates Again?

 This may well be the last Interest Rate Cut
Last week’s inflation figures were certainly much better than expected.

As such, there had been considerable political pressure placed on the RBA from by the government to cut interest rates this week.

Retailers were virtually pleading with the RBA to do so. Plus, homeowners were also looking for some relief in the run up to Christmas.

However, this is probably the last interest rate cut by the RBA for quite some time. To understand why, you need to cast your mind back to when the GFC began in 2008.

RBA has a real Dilemma going forwardAt the time, business investment was falling.

This is unlikely to occur from now on — because planned mining investment (at $430 billion) is three times greater than in 2008, representing about a third of Australian’s GDP.

And overall, Australia is said to have around $900 billion of business investment in the pipeline.

Furthermore, our main trading partner (China) is now far less dependent upon Western countries for its growth.

In 2008, China’s 12% per annum growth in GDP reflected a 3% to 4% component of exports to the West. While this year’s 9.5% growth in GDP was basically driven by domestic demand — with virtually no exports involved.

Overall, there is said to be around $900 billion of business investment in the pipeline. Add to that the improved stability of Australian banks, with their reduced offshore exposure and improved domestic deposits. Plus, an increase in the Tier 1 capital ratios.

Finally you also need to remember the RBA’s cash rate has now fallen from 7.25% in 2008 to its current level of 4.5% today.

Bottom Line: Apart from the current turmoil in Europe, Australia’s underlying fundamentals are solid. And these augur well for strong growth in Commercial property over the next 5 years.

To reduce interest rates any further would only serve to artificially inflate asset prices — rather than allow the market to grow organically … based upon genuine, sustainable demand.


Not all Repairs to Commercial Property are Automatically Deductible!

Claiming Repairs for Commercial property needs careful thought
Did you realise that some of the repairs you make to your Commercial property are NOT necessarily deductible against your rental income?

Often, it comes down to something as simple as timing. [Read more…]

Why the Slow Economic Recovery?

The Vagaries of Financial UncertaintyExactly why have industrial companies around the world been slow to recover? And why did everything look so promising … and then suddenly, seem to grind to a halt?

Perhaps some insight into this dilemma was provided by the IMF’s recent World Economic Outlook.

According to Oliver Blanchard (its chief economist), there are the dual influences of a slowdown in advanced Western economies; and the overall financial uncertainty.

During the GFC, companies allowed their inventories to run down. Then, with a hint of global recovery, those same companies began replacing their depleted inventory levels. [Read more…]

Commercial Property: Home-study Course
Now Taking Shape

My new Training Course is quickly taking shape
Yesterday, I gave my Inner Circle a “sneak peek” at the outline for my brand-new training Course … “Mastering Commercial Property”.

And over the past couple of weeks, I have actually progressed a fair way down the track, in bringing it all together.

However, I just wanted you to see the direction in which it was heading.

Therefore, you can take a look now at just how the website is taking shape. And please keep your feedback coming — because no it’s been just so helpful.


Tried-and-True Tips to Profit from Commercial Real Estate Investing

Tips for your Success with Commercial propertyTHE BEST looking property could actually represent the worst real estate investment you have ever made.

Remember that Commercial real estate investing is all about … the Deal, the Terms and the Return on investment. Here are some tips for successful Commercial real estate investing. [Read more…]

Why All The Panic?

Are we really heading for GFC Mark II?

Well, not here in Australia anyway! And even overseas, things are vastly different this time around.

In 2008/09, it was private debt causing the problems … because nobody was too sure which banks were overly exposed to the sub-prime mortgage problem. [Read more…]

Let’s Stop The Doom & Gloom! How About Some Good News?

For the past few weeks, the world’s media seems to have been dominated by two unfolding dramas:

  1. The extraordinary and rather amateur performance in Washington, as the US government lurched towards potential default.
  2. The concerning spike in euro-region yields, against the backdrop of their apparently insoluble sovereign debt issues.

However, as Amy Auster reported in Saturday’s Financial Review, there was also a really positive development last week (certainly for Australia), which seems to have simply “snuck under the radar”. [Read more…]

Commercial Property:
Pricing Your Finance – Part 2

Last week, you looked at the reasons why lenders view Commercial property in a different league to Residential property, when it comes to finance.

Many things can affect the Pricing of your LoanAnd then, we moved to the various aspects Commercial lenders look at as far as Risk is concerned.

More importantly, just how these aspects will determine whether or not they will actually lend against the actual property you are looking to purchase.

However, what you really want to know is … [Read more…]

Commercial Property:
Arranging Your Finance – Part 1

Commercial property finance is one of those aspects probably the least understood — and therefore, can lead to some are rather poor decisions by investors.

Take care when arranging your Commercial LoanThe most important thing you need to grasp is that there are basically no hard and fast rules about the various factors like … the leverage that is available … costs associated with Commercial loans or … the actual lending criteria most financiers and adopt.

When it comes to Commercial finance, everything has to be viewed in relation to the strength and size of each particular deal. [Read more…]

Grasping the Nettle

Last week’s article entitled: “OK … What’s Really Going On?” seemed to capture the interest of quite a few readers.

You have to ask whySo, tell me … how many people have you spoken with lately, who are fearful about the European and US debt problems?

And have you stopped to find out how few of them realise that the problems confronting those countries may actually be GOOD news for Australia.

Perhaps it is worth explaining how that could possibly be — because there are several things you need to appreciate. [Read more…]